
Home Forums General Discussion Spinograms

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Lyssandra Ritter lyssandra69 resident 10 years, 7 months ago.

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Profile photo of Shivering Moonshadow

Shivering Moonshadow


Spin Dizzy and Red Herring are teaming up to provide Dead End with a new fun delivery service. Spinograms<, a fun and flirty way to send a message to that special someone you like or even despise.

This is not an escort service. Being run by Ruby it never could be, although what staff do when they clock-off is entirely their business. In terms of more underhand services, bugged gift baskets will be avaialable at a price but not on any menu. How you find out about them is up to you. Customers are also welcome to bring their own packages in for delivery creating an utterly bespoke service. Bug your bouquet, plant drugs in your birthday present, spider eggs at the bottom of a basket, or even something nice. OOCly all you need to do is ensure that you leave an NC detailing the contents so it can be RPed out. Please note; packages will be subject to random checks on occassion - and this mostly for explosives.

I am currently finishing off a small wordpress site to go with the service, and we're currently hiring. Guys & gals needed! Working as a Spinogram can be a part-time job. Just a little extra cash on the sides which won't prevent you from working elsewhere. Dedicated staff will get their own little bio on the site along with an alluring photo.

Employment is open automatically to RH staff, so either let Andi or myself know you're interested so we know.

And anyone else who is interested in working with us, get with me in-world.

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