Sky's Ramblings

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Sky Haydwich skyhaydwich-resident 10 years, 10 months ago.

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Profile photo of Sky Haydwich



((just so you all know- there's gratuitous mention of self-harm in this, so if you're bothered by that stuff i'd advise you not to read it, it gets pretty gruesome. just looking out for you guys!))
They told me not to scratch. Can't help it. They cut my fingernails short. Can't help it. Scratched with a nail instead. They took it away, stitched me up. Can't help it. Then I found some nail clippers. Didn't know if they were sharp, used them on Lesley's ear. The lobe got cut off. Got in trouble, sent to DEMH. Can't help it.
Then the people here told me to write. Write write write. It will help. Help what? Help? I don't need help. Help is for the weak! I'm a prophet. No help, I don't need any help. I have The Almighty on my side!
I've carved crosses into me a lot before. Most of them didn't scar. Had to go over them 'til they did. Now they're wonderful!
What am I to write about?
Today a tall man gave me a drink. Said I needed a job and a shower. Called me terrible. Gave me a ride on a motorcycle. Said police were after us. I didn't see any police. Saw demons, though.
Demons and police are both pretty scary.
Once in the old place I went into a building. Smelly, old, rotted corpse. It was on the ground. They thought I did it, but I didn't. Found it like that. Police beat me 'til I cried, then they caught who did it. It's what I get for being nosy. I cut my nose for being nosy afterwards. Still have a bandage. It's itchy.
I'm always itchy. Might be bugs under my skin. Lesley at the old place had that, there were ants in her veins. Docs called it delusional parasitosis. Or formication. Sounds like fornication.
Fornication. Never did that. It's a sin. Prophets can't sin.
People tried to do that with me, though. Other patients. A doctor or two. Scratched and kicked them until they didn't want to anymore. I am clean and resilient. Like a new knife.
Knife, I have a knife. Sharpened my toothbrush. Scratches real good. Keep it with me at all times. Good for false idols and demons. Good for me, too.
I'm tired. Going to sleep. Heavens protect me.

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