Sky Haydwich

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Profile photo of Sky Haydwich



((hello! guess i'll start off by saying i've RPed in DE before. sky is a new character, though! i guess i'll post her personality/background.))
Sky is a somewhat frightening young lady, despite having a rather innocent-looking appearance: blonde-haired, blue eyed, freckled, skinny and short. She suffers from Paranoid Schizophrenia. She's sometimes medicated, but very out of touch with reality. She never seems to eat or sleep, and usually her interactions with other people are either awkward or scary at best. She suffers from multiple paranoid delusions and constant hallucinations, and is under the impression that she's being plotted against in one way or another.
Sky resides at the DEMH now, occasionally behaving well enough to venture into the city (or, of course, escaping custody).
When not accusing others of plotting against her, she seems sweet and almost innocent. She doesn't seem to understand basic concepts and has little to no common sense.

Miss Haydwich was born to a single mother, who noticed that from an early age she exhibited quite abnormal behavior – she wasn't learning anything in school and didn't even attempt to befriend the other kids, preferring instead to look out the windows blankly for hours on end. She had a completely flat affect from the ages of 7 to 15, exhibiting no emotion even when she found out at 14 who her father was (a well-known druglord). At the age of 16, she began experiencing manic states, hallucinations and delusions, accusing her mother of spying on her and plotting her death. Sky's mother could no longer care for her under these conditions, especially since she was a single working mother, and chose to give the state custody of her daughter until she was well enough to care for herself. 19 now, that day still hasn't come, and her mother no longer visits. She doesn't seem too heartbroken about it, though; she still believes her mother wants her dead.
Sky's been newly transferred to the DEMH after an incident involving nail trimmers and another girl's earlobe.

Profile photo of Rene Sabetha



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