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I have to share this rp because it was absolutely hysterical! Thank you bean for a fun idea. [2012/06/24 16:36] Bean Yheng (xhex.darkfire) backs the battered old van to the door of The Dark room and crawls in the back throwing in bag after bag of really pissed off skunk into The Dark Room.. "This is for Suki you stinky butts! Now feel the wrath of the Ling Chi and.. Ahmmmmm Smell it!! Yeah SMELL THE STINKY WRATH!!" she screams as she chucks very confused and pretty pissed off skunks into the upper level [2012/06/24 16:36] Zoê Ariadne (kyotaro) gets up as well, and goes towards the back of the stage, and leaves a 10 dollar tip for the bartender besides the napkin, brushing her curls away from her face, as she casually walks to the back of the room [2012/06/24 16:43] ℳαℓkαία (malkaia.askari) nodded as he heard the name what she explained. He had thought about the other details, what if he wasn't or what if he wasn't.. They mattered little in light of what she wanted to happen. "You understand work like this isn't... cheap.." he would say hearing the screams from above.. unsure what they were about, so he decided to ignore it for now... He'd heard the light thumps, and looked up and saw several sacks.. fo soemthing layign on the floor. "What in the hell.." he would say before movign to deposit the woman's payment and tip unto the register. He didnt' exactly work here.. well not unless it was a request from the owner.. which usually ended up with both of them naked and sweaty by the time his work was over. "Shoudl I do something about that?" [2012/06/24 16:46] Faerie Xue (faerie.lindley) nodded "money isnt an issue" she says before she looked up, she ehard the yelling but couldnt make out the words "the fuck?" she asked as she turned looking through the glass and seeing the squirming bags. "uh yea .. i'll be right behind you" she says as she reached for her crutches. [2012/06/24 16:48] Dashauin getting a little scared at the screaming from upstairs she glanced towards the stairs seeing that the man behind the counter and her boss were going to see what had happened, mentally shook herself and went back to dancing on the pole as her body moved against it gracefully [2012/06/24 16:49] Bean Yheng (xhex.darkfire) Giggles as the skunks start to work their way out of the bags she had untied before hand.. they all have tags on their tails that say FOR SUKI!! And BEWARE THE LING CHI!! on their tails.. unwapping the cords and tossing all the bags.. Four of them.. 5 skunks per bag she giggles manicly from behind her mask.. "Beware!!! AKK ya stinnky fuckers!! Oh Lord AKK!! this mask SUCKS!" she starts gagging and coughing as she goes to roll into the front of the rusty crappy van and take off.. gagging and coughing.. "Not my best plan!" she screams [2012/06/24 16:51] ℳαℓkαία (malkaia.askari) looked at the two of them on the poles and shook his head. "Keep working.. I'll deal with this.." he said as he moved from behidn the bar and heard upstairs.. He was glad he was carrying his belt with him today for this reason... He justed looked at the bega for a moment untl he saw some woman untying them and then saw what crawled out of them. " He rubbed his temples and tried not to do anything to provoke them. "You might want to stay back.." he said as he called back to Fae.. "Does this city not have animal control?" [2012/06/24 16:53] Faerie Xue (faerie.lindley) made it up to the landing before she smell hit her "oh god ... what the fuck is that?" she asked as her hand went over her face. she felt her eyes start to water as sge shook her head "no idea" she gagged. [2012/06/24 16:54] Zoê Ariadne (kyotaro) glances at the steps, as she watches the manager and bartender go past. the commotion upstairs filled with squeaks and screams. I guess it is safer down here she says to herself, shaking her head. So far these past couple of weeks has been somewhat confusing to her. [2012/06/24 16:55] Bean Yheng (xhex.darkfire) Giggles manicly and then gags in her gas mask as she tries to get the van into gear and with a scream of burning rubber and a backfire the piece of shit van roars off into the day.. It will later be found by the state patrol on fire.. with the latex suit she is wear intside of it [2012/06/24 16:59] ℳαℓkαία (malkaia.askari) was feeling like he'd been hit with tear gas.. again.. Gods that stunk... He started to back away.. trying to figure out how the hell he was going to get all these things out without getting sprayed himself... "A blow torch would so the trick.. but Dammit.." he would say. Backing away until one of the skunks approached. He would take a step forward and skunk punt it away from him.. He couldnt' get them all this way.. but damn if it would be fun doing it.. [2012/06/24 17:00] Faerie Xue (faerie.lindley) gasped as she turned, she felt like she was going to puke. she reached for her cell phone as her eyes watered like crazy, she wiped them enough to find the 9 and press and hold until it dialed 911. she waited for someone to answer. [2012/06/24 17:01] Bean Yheng (xhex.darkfire) the stinky little fucker bounces up and looks at the guy there was a chatter as it flies across the room the kick sending the rest of them into some sort of frenzy of chattering the one that is kicked scampering out into the city leaving 19 more to go but not before spraying its special aroma towards the inside of the bar and the evil hard foot that punted him [2012/06/24 17:02] Dashauin didn't know what had been going on recently since she had only started the job a few nights before, Starting the smell the horrid stink from up stairs she felt like vomiting. Stopping in mid dance she brought her hand up to her mouth. "Oh god, what is this smell??" [2012/06/24 17:03] nova (nova.lauria): stumbles down the stairs after taking in the horrid smell, her eyes welling up [2012/06/24 17:03] Zoê Ariadne (kyotaro) stops dancing, and looks up, the smell of "...skunk?" loomed into the aim, as she clings onto the pole, and covers her hands towards her face [2012/06/24 17:03] Faerie Xue (faerie.lindley) coughed as she held the phone to her head, she heard the voice "animal control ... dark room .. .dead fall ... holy crap ... skunks everywhere!" she says, gagging every other word as she was trying to talk to dispatch. [2012/06/24 17:04] nova (nova.lauria): covering her nose and mouth she slowly climbs the stairs.. [2012/06/24 17:05] nova (nova.lauria): gagging on the horrid stench she heads for the front door and to fresh air... [2012/06/24 17:06] Bean Yheng (xhex.darkfire) A few of the skunks.. about 5 head towards Fae and the downstairs in a total panic the other 14 bounce around the main room squeaking or whatever noise skunks make iin a panic.. "Squeakity squeak squeak!" [2012/06/24 17:07] Faerie Xue (faerie.lindley) shook her head "hurry" she says as she watched mal punting them little things she just shook her head "and send a ... decon team or somthing ... it smells!" she cried out. she screamed as the things ran down the stairs toward her. "Dimitri! get them!" she cried as she tried to swat one with ehr crutch. [2012/06/24 17:08] ℳαℓkαία (malkaia.askari) knew it would take forever to wash this smell off of of him. His own cologne didn't even help this time.. When that one sprayed at him.. he turned around to keep that crap from getting in his eyes.. The other ones.. oh now he was pissed. Forget the skunk punting game... He would look at the closest two to him.. and he would raise his foot and try to stomp on the head of the first.. and then kick the second ine on the head with the other foot. He would continue this with the next two, regardless of if he succeeded or not. He probably looked like he was staomping insencts, but he was definitely relieving frustrations.. "Animal cruelty.. bah... Evil little bastards..." If he was successful.. there should have been 15 left alive.. or barely alive.. When the other ones tried to get passed him.. he'd reach down and grab them by the tails.. one at a time.. damn this would suck... If successful, he'd throw them back up the stairs.. hopfully against hte walls... "Fuck!" [2012/06/24 17:10] Bean Yheng (xhex.darkfire) Squeaky the stinky: gets swung at annd hisses bouncing faster down the stairs sending a haze of that nasty shit towards Fae bouncing down to the bar and hiding under it.. some of them go under the sofas and other things as well.. the reign of stinky death comes down like a furry fury of smelly destruction spray going everywhere as they release on Malk in their last gasp just like they do when a car hits them.. shivering and twitching the fuzzy cute evil stinky fucks shiver.. getting splatted against the walls.. boucning off most likely damaged.. 13 left and starting to hide [2012/06/24 17:14] Faerie Xue (faerie.lindley) screwmed out as one little fucker went past her, spraying ehr in the process "fucking a" she gagged as she turned, she moved to punt the creature, she didnt care if her leg was hurt it was so not living after that. "why are gun banned in thois city again?" she asked she looked down "get out of here girls, before it gets worse" she called to the two dancers. [2012/06/24 17:16] Dashauin eyes watering she fell to her knee's still coughing over the horrid stench that now occupied the air, "Mu...st.....fresh.....air" She had never smelt anything like it before [2012/06/24 17:17] Zoê Ariadne (kyotaro) coughs and puts her hand toward her face, as she tries to gasp for air [2012/06/24 17:21] ℳαℓkαία (malkaia.askari) saw the one that esacped down to the lower level and cursed, coughing and shutting his eyes.. Hell the air even looked green now.. This was definitely not the day... His vanity went out the window at this point. Seeing hwo they were all scattering at this point.. MAlkaia just went tot he bar and grabbed a knife. This was animal control, Russian style. The ones he could get to behind the bar, he would reach down and grab them one by one, holding them in place, and then sliding the edge not so gently across the throat. He didn't care that the blood would get on him or the floor.. they needed to die at this point. It was war.. and he was a very vain man. He would chase the others, walking like some sort of psycho killer in a horror movie until he would step on the next one, holdling it in place, and slamming the pointed edge of the knife into the creature's body, and then tristing the blade before he pulled it back out. Oh yes, he was pissed.. seeming now more a beast on the hunt. [2012/06/24 17:23] Faerie Xue (faerie.lindley) gagged as she turned "come on .. girl ... outside" she called beckoning them up the stairs ro fresh air, she needed it ehrself, she felt like sge was going to pass out of she stayed there any longer. she looked up then as dimitri grabbed a knife "fuck me" she says as she started up the stairs, she couldnt take it, she was going to puke as she wobbled for the door, smacking a few skunks on her way. [2012/06/24 17:23] Bean Yheng (xhex.darkfire) The skunks are hiding and spraying smaller amounts now the stink has to be something like.. I dunno a skunk's asshole.. they bounc around trying to hide fighting each other for the hiding spots.. the squeaking and chirping going deep as they start to growl and nip at people trying to bite at Mal as he kills them they of course spray him with whatever they have left as he kills them.. Coating him with direct and fresh Pewfume.. their teeth are totally meant for killing small animals and their bites terrible..but they die fast.. down to 8 ... [2012/06/24 17:25] Zoê Ariadne (kyotaro) she resumes her coughing fit as she steadies herself onto the banister, slowly edging herself up the stairs, as the fog gets thicker with the fumes from the skunks. her eyelids getting heavy, as she kicks her heels off not caring anymore, besides its hot out [2012/06/24 17:25] Faerie Xue (faerie.lindley) barely made it outside before she leaned over and puked along the side of the building, she couldnt escape the smell, she knew she had been sprayed a few times now but she couldnt help it. she coughed and gagged as she breathed in the fresh air finally "fucking useless cops" she muttered as her eyes watered. [2012/06/24 17:30] ℳαℓkαία (malkaia.askari) had to get tot he door once everyone was out. He couldn't take much more himself.. When he realized he couldn't reach the ones underneath that couch.. he gave up the pursuit for now... moving out with the rest of them.. covered in sweat.. stink from the skunks.. small bite marks and blood. He got a few of those fuckers though.. He tried to find some temporary relief from the skink.. but seeing Fae, throw up.. he was struggling to keep from it himself.. He would head over to the dock area.. the water side and leap into the water... Salt water was a natural cleaner.. but he knew it wouldn't get all of it off of him.. He would scrubb himself while he was under the water.. and then surface for air. he had no idea where the knife was now.. but he'd submerge and do it again.. tryign to wash the stink from him as much as was possible... before climbing off out of the water, onto the skiff, and then returning to the others, but keeping his distance from them as not to add what stink was left on him to (c) [2012/06/24 17:32] ℳαℓkαία (malkaia.askari) ... everyone else. He would take off his shirt... wringing it out of the water and then looking tot he rest of them as he put pressure on his pants, without takign them off to squeeze the water from them.. "Everyone out? yes?" [2012/06/24 17:33] Faerie Xue (faerie.lindley) watched dimitri come out and head down to the water, she was going to shower a million times when she got home. she nodded as she straightened up "yea" she says as she grunted, she reached for her phone then and sent out a text or two to try and get some help to get the skunks out "how many are in there?" she asked as she looked at him, she knew she reeked. [2012/06/24 17:34] Bean Yheng (xhex.darkfire) The skunks take to hiding under the stage if they can find a way in and under the bar.. two under the upstairs sofa.. one more under the bondage rack in the maze... the other three just hissing and croched in the corners [2012/06/24 17:36] ℳαℓkαία (malkaia.askari) shrugged. "I didn't count.." he said. "A few are dead.. the ones I didn't' get are hiding under that couch... I think..." he said. "I couldn't see a few of them.. They coudl be all over the place by now.." He felt like an ass right now... Shoudl have been easy but he didn't even want to know how they got so many of those things in there.. All he heard was Ling Chi... And when he got his hands on them.. It wouldn't be pretty.. "I'll take the job against the one that did this for free.." [2012/06/24 17:36] Dashauin having made her way outside behind the other woman she collapsed again to the ground holding onto the crate, Leaning her head against it she coughed a few more times and breathed in the fresh air. Sniffing at herself she crunched up her nose, she had only taken a shower earlier and now she would have to take one again. Probably scrub her body raw until the smell was off her for good [2012/06/24 17:38] Faerie Xue (faerie.lindley) looked at him "oh they are going to pay" she says as she grunted, she looked at her self a moment "god this stuff smells" she looked at the girls then "are you two ok? if your hurt go to the hospital, otherwise go home, i'll pay you for a week take as much time off as you need after this" she says as she leaned against the building, she just shook her head as she looked back to mal "can we round a few dead ones up? i need to drop them off as a present" [2012/06/24 17:40] Bean Yheng (xhex.darkfire) the Skunks stay in their spots.. Waiting.. Plotting.. Evil little balls of ADORABLE stench.. their minds wandering... Oh is that a cookie?? [2012/06/24 17:41] Zoê Ariadne (kyotaro) sniffs herself, and frowns, the smell was strong, but she can only assume it will be that way for weeks in the place. i guess this outfit will have to go she thinks to herself, sighs because she thought it looked cute [2012/06/24 17:42] Dashauin shaking her head to her boss she frowned a bit, She would have to walk home dressed the way she was since her other clothes were in the dark room still. She would have to walk fast if she wanted to get home safely [2012/06/24 17:44] ℳαℓkαία (malkaia.askari) would take his shirt and wrap it around his face.. IT smelled more like the sea water.. not much skunk. The water, the dampness would to well to protect his sense of smell as he moved back in to gather up the dead ones.. IF he saw any on the way.. he'd grab and pound them with his fist and add them to the kill out. He started tossing the dead ones out the door, one by one, piling them up near those crates until the floor only had the stains of blood where they were killed left. He'd come back out and again breathe the fresh air... he used his shirt to wipe whaever spray that got onto his skin off of him.. it wouldnt' do much.. but it wouldn't reek as bad or burn like it did as much either... [2012/06/24 17:46] Bean Yheng (xhex.darkfire) Mal would find the easy three in his search making them dead getting fresh coats of stink in the mean time and bitten as he goes near the.. or bitten at anyway.. the stink isnt anywhere near as powerful as it was to start.. they are running out of musk with every spray.. "Squeak squeak.. Grrr..croak.. Dead!" [2012/06/24 17:46] Faerie Xue (faerie.lindley) looked at mal as he brought the skunks out, her face screwed up a moment "oh my gof" she groaned as she looked at him. "i am gonna have to hire someone to get the fuckers out" she says as she looked up as the NPC animal control finally arrived. "jesus long enough" she grunted. [2012/06/24 17:50] Bean Yheng (xhex.darkfire) The NPC animal control go to work fast enough to get them out of the bar.. they manage to live trap them shaking their heads in disgust that someone would do this to the poor defenseless animals.. not the killing them part the stuffing them into bags and throwing them into the bar part.. "Lady its gonna smell like recycled death in there for a while.. hey my cousin Jim Bob does some of dat there cleaning stuff ya might want ta check it out." she slips him a card [2012/06/24 17:51] ℳαℓkαία (malkaia.askari) frowned at the men and women that arrived from the animal control. He didnt' like the way they were looking at him as she was wiping himself down. Where he would go to take a nice hot two hour shower in this city was beyond him.. but he would make sure he did. He reached to his belt and pulled from it a few alcohol swabs.. wiping down the bites on his hand and arms with them. he looked up at one of the women and retorted, "No I don't need a fucking doctor.." he said. "There's five or six of them in there.. somewhere.. Yes I know I shoudln't have killed them.. I don't care.. just get them gone.." he would say as he started to dress the bites now with small bandages.. It was obvious he was pissed, but it would also become obvious that he may have been some sort of doctor himself.. [2012/06/24 17:53] Faerie Xue (faerie.lindley) looked at them as she took the card "yea gonna fucking need it" she says as she looked down "look leave me two of those, i need to burry them, relgious thing" she liked as she pulled some money from ehr top to pay them off. she needed one for the PD and one for the tea house. [2012/06/24 17:55] Bean Yheng (xhex.darkfire) Pretty sure that the underpaid and underlaid NPCs would be down with that if the money was right.. they do pass Mal a couple of dirty looks as they load up the pile of the dead.. and leave Fae two.. [2012/06/24 17:55] Dashauin sighing a little bit to herself she was a little relieved to see that the Pest control had finally showed up and started cleaning the Dark room. Looking back to the others, "I think I might just head on home and take a long shower" Running a hand though her hair she turned around and started walking home, Oh Jorgie was gonna freak when she got home [2012/06/24 17:57] Zoê Ariadne (kyotaro) strolls off as well "I might as well head out too" as she looks at the ground and sees a skunk scurry away, she runs the other way towards the pier. maybe if she... [2012/06/24 18:02] ℳαℓkαία (malkaia.askari) offers a lazy wave to the one that left as he watched the pest control proceed with cleaning the building.. and hopefully rounding up the rest of the little bastards... As they pilled the dead ones into that van, he felt just a bit relieved before he looked at Fae. "I take it priorities have shifted?" he asked, knowing how easy a hit on a single man would be...an easy thing.. but to take down this Ling Chi... obviously some sore of faction.. Triad from the sound of it.. Oh Russians and Triad had a history indeed. "Tell me which is more important... and I'll deal with it... after I get rid of this stench.." [2012/06/24 18:02] Faerie Xue (faerie.lindley) nodded to dasha a she looked at dimitri "acn you grab those babe, need to drop them off somewhere then we need a shower" she says as she hobbled toward him, she was extremely pissed right now, and she needed to clean herself up and think. then she smirked "first alittle pay back" [2012/06/24 18:03] Bean Yheng (xhex.darkfire) as the Animal control van with 10 dead skunks and 6 live ones roll outta sight they almost crash screaming because they were kinda dumb and forgot to sedate the little fuckers and they sprayed the inside of the van.. if the skunk could giggle evilly it would... [2012/06/24 18:04] ℳαℓkαία (malkaia.askari) would simply reach down and grab the dead little fucks fromt he street where they were.. and then carry them by the tails. "Lead the way.." he said.. his face showing barely anything.. but he was still fuming inside.. [2012/06/24 18:05] Faerie Xue (faerie.lindley) smirked as she nodded then started up the street and toward the PD. |
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