RP for everyone

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There is an ongoing RP at the moment with the Volks, mainly focusing around Zashmar Stormcrow, and the Black Son's MC who are transient visitors in town looking to settle a score with zashmar. A brief history is that he is responsible for the death of three of their gang members a few years back and they have finally tracked him down.

Even though it does centre on Zashmar it is open to everyone especially the DEPD. There are a number of people on board and are posting intelligence and Forensic report and even a tabloid paper which is very unsympathetic to the police and it would be nice for people to pick up on the reports and carry it through. Just as long as they leave a note of what they've done so we don't go and repeat things I think it makes an excellent interactive RP. This is only an example but it does work such as officer Oz picking up on an intelligence report from LT Haroldsen and following it through to identifying an offender...all he needs to do now is arrest the girl 😀

Also the Public need educating. They think they can just go and stab someone and that's it. I investigated the Aphrodite murder , which being the former leader of the Volks was a big thing and tracked down a witnesses through questioning others and identified the offenders however when the warrant went out they didn't really want to play. Their choice I know but frustrating when you are trying to play a cop properly.

Anyway, rambling over. I’d be interested to hear what others have to say on the matter as this is my first venture into the group.

October 16, 2010 at 1:48 pm
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