Role idea for the DE daily

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Profile photo of Lyssandra Ritter

lyssandra69 resident


Background: I often thought many people are not aware of what is going on in DE, especially during large plots while the storyweavers and Shade invested tons of work and could only entertain a minor percentage of players with it. So I thought how to improve getting aware that many people don´t know that the daily exists.

Credit fir this idea goes to Magnum Vectoscope and his NCs with links he passed Lyss.
How about Papergirls, Paperboys for the DE daily?
As a job perhaps with Tag, that people can also do as side job.

What do they do?
They walk the SIM with a sign showing the latest head lines and prepare an emote they can paste as they pass people…
“Latest news!!!!
Kyo kidnapped again… Manx and Jameston married … ghostship arrived in harbor … nurse eaten by rats…”
And so on, FURTHER they sell ICly the paper, if someone buys it she/he gets a NC with the headlines and a LINK to the daily home page.

So this informs players and their chracters on what is going on and offers the paperguys active roleplay to slip into trouble or bring it to people, better than to sit around and wait…

October 2, 2015 at 12:53 am
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