Report – 04/17/2010 – 911, Person in distress.

Home Forums Municipal Departments Police Report – 04/17/2010 – 911, Person in distress.

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Incident Time and Date:
17th April 2010, 11:50pm SLT

Incident Location:
Dead End Motel

Officers Attending:
Detective Burnside

Criminal Offense Committed:
Woman found tied up and naked, in distress.

Victim Details:
Caucasion Female, early-middle 30's, flame red hair, medium build, 5ft 2in approx.

Suspect Details:
Currently seeking details on Suspect, believed to be a male, middle-late 30's , tall yet skinny build frame.

Witness Details:
Not Applicable

Items Stolen or Taken:
Not Applicable

Weapons Used:
Not Applicable

Evidence Recovered:
.Cuffs and cable ties, duct tape and nipple clamps

Summary of Events:
911 dispatch informed of a distress call at the Motel, I (Burnside) was dispatched to the location to invesitgate nature of the call. Upon arriving on scene i made my presence known by shouting out and waiting to see if anyone would respond, it was noted that a glass smashing was heard in the central room, after a litle futher investigation and a forced entry into the room, a naked and bound women was found in the center of the room found to be in distress. She was untied and clamed down after indentfying myself where she told me she was tied up and assaulted by a male. after further invesitigation the woman was wrapped up and taken to the hospital for a further check up.

The women is to be questioned by myself once hospital admission is complete, the suspect is still unknown so anyone who knows or saw anything suspisious in the area of the motel around the time of 11:20-11:45pm is to contact the Police Station or contact Detective Burnside on 555-234-911.

April 18, 2010 at 10:51 am
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