Rae Langly Whitesong: Oppertunities..

Home Forums Introductions Rae Langly Whitesong: Oppertunities..

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((Sort of an introduction. enjoy!))

It's morning.

I can feel the sun on my face as I lay in bed so its about 8ish. A quick glance at the clock
makes me smile.


Time to get going. Too many oppertunities to be explored. Out of bed and check my 'extra
security' ,a chair on the doorknob, then grab my toys and begin practice. I let the blade in
each hand flow as they take me to better times, finishing with two flicks of my wrists as I
throw them at my target. Well at least I hit the dartboard this time.

I follow it up with a quick breakfast and a longer shower, all the time mentally reviewing what
I've learned about the city and planning on who to see and where to explore. One must explore
the oppertunities after all. I only stop to touch the scar on my throat and remember the yakuza
that gave it to me. How it set me on the path to Thialand and Chi Long... Has it been that
long since you died....

It takes me a half hour to get ready and get dressed. I make sure to slip my blades in my sleeves,
grab my cellphone and a few other items. As I set the scarves, gag and chloroform bottle into my
purse I smile.

One must be prepared for when the oppertunities present themselves...

April 24, 2011 at 6:27 am
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