Pyres Skorm, The Eternal Flame

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There are two sides of the man, known as Pyres Skorm. It all originated when he had turned 19 years of age, had been married to the woman of his dreams, and the best friend he had ever had the pleasure of meeting. To understand who Pyres is, is to under stand his two personalities.

Name: Pyres Skorm
Age: 24
Physical Appearance: Before Raziel had taken control of his body, he had long hair. It went down and was straight. After Raziel took over, his hair was cut and shaved on both sides of his head, adopting a mullet type look. Though the physical appearance of both is significantly the same. They both have the same exact look, since its two personalities. The only difference is Pyres' gaze is more of an innocent and caring person, while Raziel's gaze is cold and harsh, always donning a sadistic smile.
Backstory: Pyres Skorm, upon being born, was trained to be a runner. Focusing on his speed and endurance, he would be trained for marathons, 100 yard runs, continuing on, etc. He had two friends back when he was younger, that were very close to him. Reicheru, who was Pyres' first childhood love until she had moved out of the city, and Kevin, Pyres' best friend. At age 18 he had married young, to a woman named Jessica. Jessica and Pyres had been close, but she was having an affair with him with his best friend, Kevin. Pyres had no idea. One day, as Pyres was strolling around, on his way back from the grocery store, he was mugged by three men with knives. They had decided to kill him, deeming him too unworthy of living. Pyres had never been able to fight off three men, and thats when Raziel had come in. He had taken over, a new personality that was everything Pyres was not, as well as had fantasies Pyres would never come to admit. Raziel, had managed to kill every last one of them. On his way home, he began to freak out. Raziel had stated in his head, he was his guardian angel. But that had changed when he had walked in on Jessica and Kevin fucking on his bed. One second, he saw them gazing up at him, fear in their eyes. The next thing he knew, they were laying at his feet, blood pouring from them, dead. He had watched it all happen, as Raziel gave justice to the pair, unable to stop him from doing so. After that, he fled. But each day, Raziel had grown stronger. Raping innocent women. Killing people without any mercy. It was Raziel that had led Pyres back to Dead End, pursuing a rape victim that had eluded his grasp. Since then, Pyres has been fighting off Raziel, trying to regain control of his body. Unfortunately for him, after he had impregnated Salena upon her return, Raziel took complete control over him. Now, Pyres is struggling to get back out, trying to break free from Raziel's wrath. The situation does have its effect though. He can change Raziels mind about certain things, and as it drags on, hes making Raziel more...human. More relaxed, and less demonic in nature. Even though Raziel is a figment of his imagination, hes everything Pyres was afraid to be, and more.

Raziel, Kinks, and his sick savage lust: Raziel was born into his mind, by being everything Pyres was afraid to enjoy. Rape, rough sex, forced impregnation, everything that Pyres found hot, Raziel wasnt afraid to do it. But he's far worse than that. He's killed, kidnapped, Done so much more than Pyres wants him to do. He's taken control, and he loves every minute of it. The high he gets from rape, is pure ecstasy. It's a drug he can't get enough of, the fear, the tears, the begging. He loved every minute of it. His kinks were simple. Rape, Rough Sex, Forced Impregnation, Torture, Kidnap. Everything that people would call insane. But he wasn't normal. He used Pyres' body as if he was just a dummy. To add to it he's had an insane lust, loving woman and being able to cum again and again. He never tired unless he overexerted himself with each moment. Raziel was evil, but he was slowly changing because of Pyres. Who knows, maybe the two will become one, and in the end, who will come out on top? Raziel, or Pyres?

June 6, 2012 at 1:49 am
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