Pot of Gold and Easter Egg hunt

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Profile photo of Cara Crowe

Faerie Lindley


I am looking to do two awesome things this month corresponding with two holidays. I am hoping to have them go back to back.

1. is the Pot of Gold hunt, will be an ic hunt using the paper to give hints as to the hidden location of a "pot of gold" to be found by st. patricks day
2. easter egg hunt - we did this a few years ago and it was fun it will run through easter weekend

REason I am posting?
I am looking for ideas/donations of what to put in the pot of gold and the easter eggs. I will be donating items from my SL store for both, but i would like some IC things, drugged candy, gift cards to stores and resturants. Please let me know if you are interested or message me inworld!

Cara (faerie lindley)

February 22, 2016 at 10:31 am
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