Persons of Interest

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of blankstate Anonymous 13 years, 3 months ago.

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Hey everybody! I first joined Dead End almost two years ago now. It's about the only place I've ever RPed on SecondLife. I only just discovered these forums a couple of days ago but was way too lazy to make an introduction thread, so... Here I am, slightly less lazy. XD I was actually gone from the sim for a really, really, really long time and it seems like everyone I used to know has vanished, so I'm looking forward to getting back in the swing of things and meeting new people.

I decided to be all weird and write these in the style of police profiling reports, 'cause... I dunno. Why not? It seemed appropriate for the sim! I'm definitely not intending for these to have any IC impact, they're just for fun. As a disclaimer I know absolutely nothing about how these types of reports work or if they even exist, so... Blah! 😀


DEPD Case File FM0512DE (Masters, Fox)

"This guy makes me fucking nervous. Couldn't say why. Seems to be pretty straight-laced, doesn't cause any trouble. Real gentleman, actually. He's just... I dunno, it's creepy being in the same room as him. Hangs out in bars all hours of the night, always pays cash, 50 dollar bills. Overheard him telling someone at Easy Eight's that he's a 'troubleshooter' for some corporation. A "troubleshooter." If that ain't shady as fuck I don't know what is. I ran the plate on that crotch rocket he rides, not a single thing on his record. Former military, did some PMC work before coming home and going straight to office work. Doesn't make sense to me. Most companies, a crazy-ass commando who still looks like a crazy-ass commando wouldn't last long. We're gonna keep a close eye on this guy. He gives us any reason to hook him, we're gonna hook him and figure out who he really is and what he's here for."


DEPD Case File AL0538DE (Leodiensian, Ashleigh)

"Small fish. Came over from Oxford, England to study abroad right around the time Mom and Dad died in a car crash. Uncle took over the family business. Guess they must not talk much. Before the semester was up she had four arrests on record. Given her squeaky clean background the courts gave her slaps on the wrist over possession, theft, criminal mischief, and a whole lot of other shit this little lady had no business getting involved in. Not sure what the story is on why she came here instead of going home. Just appeared in town one day. I'm even less sure why she's sticking around but she's trouble for sure - no job, no permanent residence, no US papers. She always seems to be wearing cat-related stuff: cat ears; fake tails; girl loves shit with cats on it. Got a lot of questions for her if we manage to pull her in. Have a good feeling we will, sooner or later. Once we get something to stick we can get her shipped on back to jolly old England where they can deal with her instead."

November 26, 2011 at 12:18 pm
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