Pepper G

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Profile photo of peppergandt



Name: "Pepper G"
Age: 20
Hometown: Smalltown in the middle of nowhere
Height: 5'10
Eyes: One blue, one brown
Sexuality: Gay
Status: Single
Occupation: Hustler/ High-End Call Boy
Pockets: Wallet with usually about 400$ in cash, a pack of Parliaments with a few joints mixed in, sometiems a bump of coke.

Pepper grew up in the middle of nowhere. He was a boy-next-door with dreams of one day moving to the big city where he could finally be free of the constraints of his small-town upbringing. From a young age he had been nicknamed Pepper, a name that letter became all he was known as. When he turned 18 he hopped on a bus the day after his birthday and made his way to Dead End. Upon arriving in the city the boy found himself quickly exposed to the harsh reality of the real world. With no money and no place to go the boy slept on the streets until he came to understand his new world. After seeing the prostitutes on the streets making more money than he had seen life in the span of only an hour he quickly learned the tricks of the trade and started selling himself. While scary at first, Pepper came to enjoy his new line of work discovering a whole new side of himself. The once optimistic boy had become a cunning, enterprising, and vulgar young man. Now at the age of twenty it is hard to imagine Pepper as his former self. He's no longer on the streets, in fact living quite well now that he's moved to the higher-end of prostitution. His attitude has grown to be distant, cold, distrusting, and vain.

((Hey everyone, glad to join the community, hopefully we cross paths soon))

May 25, 2012 at 2:45 am
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