OOC Moderation and Issues Group?

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This topic contains 25 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of imported_akima1996-resident imported_akima1996-resident 11 years, 9 months ago.

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Profile photo of epsilonsindri-fang



Due to the fact that I've been hearing a lot of disturbing things regarding rules, their enforcement, OOC drama, and the way things are just being handled in general, I'd like to recommend the creation of an official in-world OOC group where issues can be discussed as they arise. It would be similar to what's on the forums, however, the advantage would be that it could be dealt with in real time with more thoughts and ideas available, and easy availability of third parties to moderate. This would be a place where issues could be dealt with in real time, without fear of reprisal, administrative or otherwise, for having an issue or disagreement with someone, so long as everyone is polite and controlled. This group would be open for anyone in DE to join, just like the normal OOC group, but for the dealing of issues, and used only for that purpose. Those that do not wish to see issues creeping up could simply ignore them or not join the group. And those who wish to help with issues could do so to contribute to the smooth running of DE.
Because this is a public group, anyone will be able to see issues that pop up. However, they will also be able to see the issues getting resolved as well. If used correctly, it will boost confidence in DE administration and running to see that DE does not hide it's flaws, but instead addresses them as they appear.

I love Dead End. I've been role playing here for close to a year, and I have yet to find a friendlier, more role play oriented community of like minded people. There is nowhere else in SL that I have found such a concentration of quality role players, and it pains me to see that those role players are not satisfied with this amazing sim.

Instead of sending malcontents on their merry way, or telling them to keep their concerns to themselves because we don't like to hear it (especially if they have been in the community for a very long time) we should be addressing these issues before they start effecting events ICly. I know more than a few people in DE are avoiding each other to prevent OOC drama, which is certainly healthy to do, but will become problematic if one or both typists play influential characters who come in contact often with story lines. In that situation, IC events and the sim-wide story will be adversely affected until the issue is resolved. This is a scenario that should never be allowed to happen, though seems to be becoming more and more likely over the past few months.

As stated before, I love Dead End. The city is good, the sim is well made, the community is made up of beautiful and intelligent people... There is no place in SL I would rather be. That is why it pains me so much to see this drama simmering under the surface, like a can of pop being shaken too much for too long. I want a place where the steam can be relieved in a controlled manner before it builds up. Dead End is beautiful, but it's beginning to lose its luster. It is an ornately carved woodwork, but the polish is fading. We need a place to reapply the polish. And while the forums are a good place for that, we need a place to do it in world as well, in real time.

I have recently been staying away from Dead End to avoid the pain of seeing this community, my community, falling apart. And I'm tired of selling myself short in second rate role play. I want to see Dead End returned to the beautiful community it was when I first joined, and I believe the creation of a public moderating group in world would go far to keeping Dead End as one of the greatest role play locations on the grid.

I have personally not had any issues like this myself, but I am worried about what happens if I do. The way things currently are, I do not feel secure that my concerns will be dealt with in a serious manner, rather than treated as childish whining. I know for a fact, people do feel that way in Dead End, and have experienced it. I also realize that this post may be treated as such. If so, I believe that would be evidence of the issues that I have mentioned, and would strengthen others' convictions that a change needs to happen, particularly those that have had their issues handled in an unsatisfactory manner. Something needs to change. And I believe the first way to do so would be to make it easier for us all to identify what needs to be changed. Knowledge is power. If it is difficult for knowledge to get to those that can act, whether through fear or simple laziness, then that is the first thing that needs to change.

I believe a group providing real time issue solving and discussions would be the first step to make Dead End even better than it already is. It would allow issues to be discussed without the fear of being judged or outcast, and would allow everyone to be confident that their issues will be attended to. It will also give our role players a greater chance to voice their opinions and show that our first priority is ensuring that the people behind the characters are enjoying themselves, even if the characters we play are stabbing and raping each other.

I love Dead End. I love the people here. I consider you all to be my family in this Second Life. I hate seeing us fighting and glaring proverbial daggers at each other. Anyone who wants to see this stop and see our issues addressed, anyone who wants to participate in making and ensuring that Dead End No Escape Kidnap Role Play is one of the premier role play communities on the grid, please speak up. We are all amazing and intelligent people, and we all thrive off of one another. Let us continue to do that together like the family we are.

Thank you Nadir Taov for creating this wonderful Sim that has allowed me to grow as a person in both Second Life and Real Life. I hope Dead End can continue to do that for many more people and for many more years to come.

Blake O'Bannon (EpsilonSindri.Fang)

P.S.- If this is not the appropriate place to post this proposal, please IM me in world of the proper location, and I will repost it there.

June 9, 2013 at 7:49 pm
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June 10, 2013 at 1:26 am
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June 10, 2013 at 1:48 am
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June 10, 2013 at 8:02 am
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June 10, 2013 at 8:53 am
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