One week since my escape from Last Chance

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September 18, 2013
Dear Diary,
I have never written to you before, but you are all that i have in my life to talk to at this time. You may be the only person that understands my life since I escaped with my life from Last Chance (tears on the paper). But after a little over a week here, this place truly is Dead End and not the Hope that I was striving for. But at least I am safe, I have a job at the Jade Dragon that gets me barely by, and I have met a couple of nice people while here. Today after serving the Sushi (on me of course), I walked the town to look for a new job so I can start saving some money for a rainy day. I met a real nice gentleman in a bar (I think the Dark Room), which we chatted, drank, and stoled a smoke from his cigarette. His name was Eric (or Erik???) and he reminded me so much of her.. (tears staining the paper)...boyfriend Stevie. I should be afraid of him as he warned me that he is involved in unscrupulous activities. But I was surprisingly comfortable around him and felt that I could trust him. What does that mean Diary?? We ended the afternoon with him giving me his phone number which I still have it safely near my right breast inside my bra, and I giving him a private dance on a stripper pole (yes Diary, fully clothed)...But I was wearing a short flity skirt revealing much of my leg which I happen to see him eyeing during most of our afternoon together. Today was the happiest day of my life since I found myself in Dead End. Diary, what does than mean?? In some ways I am confused, lost, and I wish I had my parents here to talk to.

September 18, 2013 at 1:17 pm
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