"Official" Group Tags

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Group Proposals "Official" Group Tags

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of admin admin 11 years, 11 months ago.

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The following is for new leaders who've proposed a business/group and have had that group approved to go ahead in Dead End.

If you wish to apply to run an "official" group in Dead End and don't know how to do so, start here: http://app.deadend.sl/group/manual.php

As you'll know one of our rules is that all players on sim be sporting an official "DE" tag. As a recognition of the fact that you've been verified as an individual suitable and willing to invest time in establishing an IC business or group and associated story in Dead End, we allow for you to create your own official "DE" tag for use on sim. The rules for setting up your tag are as below:

- Groups which have applied and have proven successful in their applications are granted the right to come up with a tag of the format "DE [Business Name]" (adding Staff or Employee is redundant and not necessary) with the provision for a second tag to denote group leader "DE [Business Name Boss/Manger]" (Please avoid abbreviations, we don't want "DE WTFLMAOSTFU Bakery" tagged people running around on sim).

- This tag must be approved by a sim administrator (see http://deadend.sl/help "Admin") or the sim owner Nadir Taov

- Once the tag has been approved players must make use of this single tag whilst in character and roleplaying in any of the sims, just as any other non group affiliated player within Dead End is required to be using one of the "DE" tags at all times.

- The created group tag must only be issued to players who have already registered and been approved in the main Dead End No Escape Kidnap Roleplay group.

- All other non approved groups are not recognized within Dead End and players should be operating under one of the sim provided tags.

Thanks muchly,

April 3, 2013 at 4:44 am
Profile photo of admin



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April 3, 2013 at 5:08 am
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