My thoughts and ideals about Dead End.. Artsy like

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(( this is based on the location of Dead End being Around the great lakes Detroit Chicago area.. non specific state as Epsi told me one day in chat.. and a slight urge to do some back story front story and descriptive add to it if you like.. Criticize if you want..None of this is facts.. Just fan fiction!))

Dead End was founded when a train of supplies got stuck in 1834 on their way to the bustling settlement of Duluth Minnesota. The swamps around the Great Lakes took over the area and soon the wagons were stuck. It was a Dead End, the settlement and eventual trading posts that came from the town soon after was called Dead End. The years rolled by and despite being in the middle of nowhere Dead End flourished for all the wrong reasons. During the 20's and 30's it became a hideout for gangsters and mob types. The cops refused to enter the city for fear of their lives. What happened in Dead End should have stayed in Dead End, but it doesn't always work that way. The small bays allowed for the city to grow as illegal shipment of booze came in from all around the globe to be passed to the rest of the country. Boot leggers, so often though of to be from the south also flourished and set up base here. The town grew more but for all the wrong reasons. Hookers and brothels started to set up shop in the older buildings, the few made out of stone that could actually withstand the cold winters, humid hot summers, and constant onslaught of humidity.

Time passes, but the mood of this ever changing city doesn't. Anything built new doesn't stay that way for long the humidity and constant extreme temps make it impossible to keep anything looking nice for too long. Some buildings crumble under the weight of the extremes within a few months of being built, others stand proud but tarnished. The crime gets worse leaders and politicians make promises of Dead End being once again being a place that you would be proud to raise a family decent people would be happy to call Dead End home.. Decent people shouldn't live there. They would be happier someplace else.. The 70's and 80's bring a whole new line of trouble, serial killers and rapists come into town looking for their own sick pleasures, usually leaving carnage and destruction behind them, a string of police chiefs try and fail to do something, the force is either under staffed, under budget, or corrupt from the ground up.. Usually, all of the above.

Skipping a few years, we come to today. The interstate system and boating system still use Dead End as a stop for their wares. Truckers just outside of town often come into town looking to get a piece of cake from the Red Herring or a piece of ass from someone down town.. Ships come in ships leave.. what they carry during those times in the big steel containers is any body's guess.. At 5 Am the garbage trucks make their lazy routes through the city the clattering and banging of the trucks as they pretend to work and only take half the trash they are contracted to take at any given time doesn't seem to wake a soul. There are some awake and moving usually scamming their next move or already making it.. No one notices.. The unseen NPC forces of the town are the real backbone of it all.. They move the trash they keep the water running and the lights turned on... They live in those high rises and backdrops each having their own lives and their own story to tell, but those stories are usually pretty boring so we will move on..

In the hustle of the 5Am beat on any given day you can see Flak running her course. On a hot day the humidity must feel like she is a chicken in the oven with her bones given way to the heat, but she has been through worse.. The only thing that keeps an honest person in Dead End is that it can always be worse someplace else..

And if you, dear reader, would like to go further into the suburbs into the chaos that is Dead Drop you would find Shade, either sleeping or wearing herself out on a punching bag in the garage.. In the background the NPC gypsies who work with her are already grinding up hot cars and sending them off as scrap metal... Unloading drugs or some other stolen goods to move on down the line.. The garage is already pumping out screaming metal riffs of Halestorm, or Vobeat.. This will continue until the job is done for the day..

Rigor and Suki in the Busted knuckle may or may not be deep in their day.. Everything a blur the smell of hot grease and oil smoke in the air.. As deals are done the smell of cigarettes and sweat also fill the air.. the place smells like testosterone on fire..

Kay would also be up early, working on her cookies.. the smell so sweet and pure it makes the stench from the Busted Knuckle and Rabbit's seem like a bad memory, something better forgotten than ever remembered.

(( these morning rituals things that our characters do while we are sleeping is kind of a fun way to do things. granted I went overboard and left Bean and Mika out all together.. Hank.. If you must know.. is up at 5 every day like clock work, spanking it to midget porn))

June 5, 2012 at 12:20 am
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June 5, 2012 at 1:11 am
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June 5, 2012 at 8:25 pm
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June 5, 2012 at 8:28 pm
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June 6, 2012 at 2:32 am
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June 9, 2012 at 12:10 am
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June 9, 2012 at 12:56 am
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June 9, 2012 at 12:33 pm
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June 9, 2012 at 8:11 pm
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