Murder in the Alley

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Dead End Police Department Incident Report

Incident Time and Date:

Incident Location:
Alley by the theater just past the public bathrooms

Officers Attending:
NPC Officers

Alleged Offense Committed:

Further Action:
Investigation of Murder

Neph Avedon. ((nepheritit.Avedon))

Suspect: Dark hair, longish to his shoulders, wearing an old fashioned suit with tails. Taller than her by almost double, but the victim was fairly short.

Kahlen Vaniva

Items Stolen or Taken:

Weapons Used:

Evidence Recovered:
witness statement by officer Manx

Summary of Events:
Dark haired man stabbed a small woman, when the victim asked why, the suspect stated.. No reason.

Signature of Reporting Officer:
Nelly P. Carlson. ((NPC))

March 9, 2012 at 7:57 pm
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