Murder by Bus Stop..

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Dead End Police Department Incident Report

Incident Time and Date:
2/23/12 1700 Aprx

Incident Location:
Bus Stop by Busted Knuckle

Officers Attending:
Shade Manx and Nick Courtois

Alleged Offense Committed:

Further Action:
Coroner report.. Blood work.. fingerprinting weapon.

Rocky Denton ((Rockydenton))



Items Stolen or Taken:

Weapons Used:
Knife 34 hollow ground blade serrated wood laminate handle bolted brass fittings

Syringe with trace amounts of an unknown substance (( Later tox reports will say Heroin)) Lodged in left Ankle

Evidence Recovered:
Tox reports show Heroin in blood stream.. Knife as described above no prints lifted... Syringe also has heroin in it.. Victim does have a history of drug abuse. Three stab wounds to the stomach before finishing stab to the chest killed him. Midline strike went through Sternum and punctured heart.. Death was instantaneous.
Crime scene shows no signs of a struggle and no defensive wounds...
Summary of Events:
Called to scene of stabbing victim by The Busted Knuckle. Found victim laying on back with mulitple stab wounds. Officer Manx was called in a EMS capacity and upon taking pulse and finding victim pulseless called for a supervisor and detectives.. None arrived so Officer Manx started to collect evidence.. Pictures should be attached (( if officer manx can figure out how to do that..)) Knife, victims personal effects, a bus ticket to Calae, Syringe, and clothing taken as evidence.. Mulitple pictures taken of autopsy as well (( those I didnt take OOCly)) Rape kit negative for any signs of forced sexual activity.. No belongings taken... Wallet still holding small amount of cash.
Blood tests come back positive for heroin.

Signature of Reporting Officer:
Shade Manx

February 24, 2012 at 1:53 am
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