Monet's Thought Journal

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Profile photo of Harmony Coupe



I came across this little notebook why cleaning the other day. Not sure when I bought it, but I figured it might be time to keep a little journal. The problem is I'm not sure where to start. I figure if I write it'll just start itself.

I've been in this hell hole city for a few months now. The lure of working in the hospital drew me here. Yea, that didn't work out. I missed a demonstration I was suppose to do, slept right through the damn thing. The next day I stopped my the daily and got hired on the spot, I thought about letting the hospital know, but really the pay, the hours, the patients, everything sucked so I never got around to it.

I like the daily, it lets me be creative, and so far I've felt free enough to write whatever I want, bout whoever. But, even more it keeps my schedule open to pursue more things. In one week I'll have my massage therapy finished up, thank goodness for online schools, my thoughts was to use this in the nursing field, get into physical therapy or something. However now I'm thinking of doing something completely different.

I've been looking for a place to rent, and finally found one. Not sure how I'll afford the rent till I start making some money. Scraping together everything I had saved up, to get out of this nasty ass cheap apartment in this rough neighborhood, I had enough to put down a deposit and first months. Guess I'll be stuck here in this shit hole apartment a bit longer. Passing the prostitutes out on the street, I swear I think one was giving head on the sidewalk the other day. Just keep walking and don't make eye contact. Nothing wrong with what they do, I just have no need to see it. There is a hotel right there, I'm thinking. If that johns to cheap to pay for a room, I doubt he'll even pay you up. Oh well not my business.

I suppose I'll work at the paper part time too, if the editor is okay with that. If I can do some freelance shit or something. I need the extra income, ugh being an adult sucks!

So much to do, so little time. Someone in need of a suga daddy...

Guess I'm out for now Journal. Head over to the pawn shop and see what shit I can get for the spa.

January 13, 2016 at 6:01 am
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