Marty Cai-Goodbye (for now)

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of imported_caimartinjg-resident imported_caimartinjg-resident 12 years, 6 months ago.

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Dear Fellow Roleplayers:

I hate to say this, but, soon, RL will be having my hands tied and I won’t have the time to be on SL much anymore. I have returned to school, it’s that time of year again, and I need to focus on my studies. Therefore, for now, especially during the academic term starting soon, I probably will not be logging in much, logging in occasionally if even logging in at all, logging in for shorter periods of time, maybe only seldomly ever once every here and there. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, I do expect to be gone at least most of the academic term. Most likely I’ll be returning toward the end of the academic term; most likely, if I do return, I’ll be back before June/July 2013, but that is, of course, unless things change (I don’t know yet what the future has in store for me). During the academic term, I’ll try my best to pop in every here and there for a visit, time permitting of course. I know I have spoken (or more like written) to many of you by now on this matter, however, I decided to write and send the letter anyways as there are also a few I haven’t been able to reach yet.

While I am gone, I can be reached by email [email protected]. You can also contact me in-world by leaving me offline IM’s (IM caimartinjg Resident), they’ll go to email (but please put the same message into a notecard, in case they don’t go to email or get saved for some reason). I also have an IC twitter (@caimartinjg) and an IC facebook under the name of Martin JG Cai. These accounts are used mainly for roleplay purposes, but I may also post OOC updates there every here and there (links to them on my SL profile). You can even get hold of me by leaving a reply to this forums topic. Please let me know of anything important and keep me updated-feel free to contact me about anything anytime. Please keep in touch with me. If you’d like, you can also send me contact info as well so we can stay in touch. I look forward to hearing from you while I’m gone.

The in-character explanation of my and my character’s sudden disappearance is that my character, who is in the Air Force Reserves, got called up and sent back to Afghanistan to fight. The history/backstory I created for my character was that he arrived in CD and DE from Afghanistan, after leaving active duty, after 12 years of service; and now that he’s needed, he’s been called up and he’s gone back. While I can still come in for a bit every day or so, the IC story will be that my character has been activated but is training at a nearby base while waiting for his TBD deployment date. Since he’s nearby, he comes to the sims during his off hours. If/When I pop back in to visit, the in-character story is that my character has taken leave (or gone AWOL) and decided to come home and visit for a day or two before having to go back again.

I really enjoyed getting to know each and every one of you and I really enjoyed spending my time on Second Life with you. Whether it was just chatting each other through IM, or roleplaying a scene together, or else, what really topped off my experience in SL for the past few months were the many great friends that I had. For the most part, I have really enjoyed the time I spent the last few months in SL, and I have enjoyed roleplaying and all the other activities I took part in in SL, but what really made my experience as nice as it was, and what I enjoyed the most of my experience, were the many good friends I had. Thanks to those of you who showed me the ropes when I first started RP or anything here, who were there to answer them when I needed someone to answer a question. Thanks to those of you who helped me and supported me in anyway, whether it was just teaching me something or providing me with something I couldn’t provide for myself. Thanks to those of you who were there when the road got bumpy for me; thanks to all of you who were here for me when I needed you. Thanks to those of you who were just there to chat with me. I’ll miss being online with all of you; I’ll miss just being here with all of you. I’ll miss the little conversations some of us would have together on the side through IM’s. I hope to see y’all again sometime soon; I hope to be back with y’all soon. Please remember me! I look forward to coming back and seeing you all again. 


Sincerely, Your Friend,
Marty Cai (caimartinjg Resident)

p.s. Feel free to contact me any time (using any of the contact methods listed above) with any questions about this, with anything you’d like to tell me, and/or if you’d like to leave contact info with me as well. Please do, I look forward to hearing from you.

September 17, 2012 at 2:53 am
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