[Makeshift IC Diary] Just in case……

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Rene Sabetha rene-sabetha 11 years ago.

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Profile photo of Ming Yheng

ming yheng


..I might not survive the next few weeks, here is a recapture of what brought me into this unavoidable situation. The honour of the entire Yheng family is at stake here and me being the 'Mother' of the Yhengs cannot let this pass.
It all started with that filthy creature named Raven, who is employed by Dion as manager of the Jade, lured my wife Jenny away from me. That wouldn't have been an issue at all, Jenny and I have an open relationship as the Western people like to call it. But that Raven managed to brainwash my Jenny and made her lie to me and hide her 'flirting' with Raven. That was unacceptable for me, lying and cheating doesn't belong in a relation. I was determined to kill Raven for having ruined my life but Dion, a close friend of me, asked me to leave her alone, he offered me a fight with Dee ( seemingly Raven's partner ) to restore my honour. As I respect Dion a lot, I agreed and Dee and I had that barefisted fight in Dion's basement. A side problem was ..I had always seen Dee as a friend and she behaved like one, but the fight wouldn't be to death, I'd prevent that from happening, for sure.
I won the fight, Dee was too exhausted and wounded to continue and I suggested to stop the fight, which she accepted. I remember her asking while I checked her wounds "We're still good?". Of course I said yes, the fight was over, no hostilities...no reason for that.
A couple of days ago I was enjoying the coming of spring, took a stroll on the streets and I noticed Dee with a spiked bat in her hand, she looked sad, angry, I don't know. But she wasn't in a good mood. As usual I asked her what's wrong, Dee is a friend and friends in need are going to get my help if they want.
She told me she lost the respect from her 'club' when she lost the fight and it needed to be restored. So I offered a solution in which she wouldn't get in trouble with the police and no one would be hurt. I offered her to stage a kidnap and show all the members of her 'club' she managed to kidnap me, that would restore her honour, no? She agreed, she said she liked that plan a lot and asked me to go to the Red Herring, she would follow in a moment and we would do it.
But she betrayed me, in the most despicable way possible. Yes, she came to me but without me having any chance she attacked me with her spiked bat, it tore the flesh from my leg. She hit my stomach too with it, full force, it made me empty my stomach right there. After that she slammed the bat so hard on my right arm, I heard my bones crack...there was no way to defend myself. I was unarmed and she abused the situation before I even knew what happened.
I passed out on the street, the pain was just unbearable.
When I woke up I was chained to a cage in Dee's appartment. And her filthy manners didn't stop there. She pressed a burning cigarette on my cheek, she slammed her bat against my face again, she just didn't stop, and the coward she appeared to be, she had me chained to that cage so I couldn't even protect myself from her attacks.
Anyway, my daughter Bean managed to get me out of her claws. But this is the start..I have changed, my mind is set on revenge and restoring my honour again, crushing Dee and all her 'club' members. War is coming, I might not survive this but when I perish, it will be with pride.

March 12, 2014 at 5:41 am
Profile photo of Rene Sabetha



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March 15, 2014 at 7:04 am
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