Lyss blows for the hunt

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lyssandra69 resident


IC part:

In several shady corners of DE people may find a letter pinned at walls or lanterns, some may get it by whores, some of these letters got thrown into the Dark Room, some into the Red Hering and also the Pawn shop since Lyss heard rumors of a bounty list. Each show the picture of a man, his face clearly visible and a short text.

“This picture shows officer KAOTICS, he is a rapist sometimes seen in the RLD and spoiled what is mine. 5000$ offered for the delivery of this man – alive!!! Should he show signs of torment more payment can be discussed, – but still alive!!! Call 9-5-nasty (phonenumber, not Lyss usual number) for delivery and payment details. Good hunt!”

Each letter is signed with the symbol of a black snake coiled to strike ((known to many as Lyss´ sign))

OOC: Rookie Kaotics raped a person really close to Lyss in her parlor while she was in jail. The person warned the man from consequences ICly and the two had RP-fun, so all should be drama-free, he should know that Lyss will be pissed and is no person to piss easily. Due to the hidden cams in her parlor it was no big thing to identify the target since Lyss has IC contacts in the town office and DEPD. It is ICly a SI FAN faction thing now but Lyss offers her personal money on this.
Of course also cops can call to investigate what is going on or lay a trap for Lyss, I am openminded. The victim had been drugged previously and lost parts of her memory, it will be seen how much memory can be restored by Eva Mavendorf´s skills, since Eva is Lyss new partner in crime… so the woman having drugged Lyss girl may be the next on the list should Lyss learn the truth ICly…

OOC of OOC, this is pretty open, should Kaotics be cool, even apologize, Lyss may even make him an offer to hire him, she is too professional to hold long term grudges, otherwise she still has the evidence tapes of an officer raping a drugged girl.
Have fun, this is roleplay! 🙂

@Kay, of course the DE daily can also use this!!! 😉

July 21, 2014 at 11:41 pm
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