Lucy Morrisey

Home Forums Introductions Lucy Morrisey

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I've decided to change the IC background history of Lucy to improve it. It includes a very brief round up of her IC life from her first days in DE right upto the present day:

Birth Name: Elizabeth Dempsey
DoB: July 25th 1980
Place of Birth: England

Elizabeth Dempsey was born into a life of council estates, crime, drugs and desititution. Her mother and father kept her on the straight and narrow even though the world around her was dirty and corrupted. Just six years into her life her mother was brutally murdered, for, although her father made sure she was brought up to respect the law and others, he himself was deeply involved within organised crime, he was known as a fixer, it wasn't just the local gangsters that came to him for guns, cars, fake documents and antything else law breakers needed but major criminals to. As much as her father tried to bring Elisabeth up, the enviorment she lived in, her father's friends and his occupation all conspired to turn her into a little criminal to be....

But after her teens spent rampaging around her city, getting into the trouble with the law and just about dodging prison she still had the death of her mother hanging over her. Her moral compass was and always would be a little screwy to say the least, she attempted to join her City's police force but they turned her down when they saw her criminal record and prelimeary pyshiatric report. However, a small branch of the British Secret Intelligence Services were looking to create a covert group to deal with certain organisations and people the law couldn't reach. Elisabeth was hired as part of this when they caught a sniff of her attempts to join the police. She was trained to make her already street wise skills more effective and in some cases deadly. From the age of just twenty until she was twenty five Elisabeth, in her team moved in the murky world, somewhere between being police officers, spies, soldiers and criminals to knock of what the British goverement decided were threats that need quelling at all costs to the British mainland. Terrorists, organised crime and any other organisation threatening the status quo of a which ever goverment was in power at a given time.

But her old ways and her father's unintentional influence caught up with her. She started to use her role for her own gains, taking money meant to be evidence for herself and even using her special powers to help out some of her father's friends commit perfect crimes, in the end she made nearly a million sterling. It all came crashing down on her when her agency figured out what was going on. Nearly all that hard earnt money went on changing her identity and her escape from British soil, finally washing up in Deadend City with a new name... Lucy Morrisey.

Wanting to leave things behind her and also get back that feeling of power and the chance to make her own sense of right and wrong she joined the DEPD, over the years there she fell in love many times and made her own new family with friends and also enemies to. Eventually she was once again scrutinised at her job, the internal affairs department throwing her from the force. She lost most of her friends and family when she once again moved on to pastures new.

She spent some time with the SLBI after being head hunted. The elite federal counter kidnap task force promising her a respected position and larger wage packet than she recieved from the DEPD. Only the latter turned out to be true. They blamed it on the economic downturn but whatever it was the case load of the SLBI was easily handled by the more established Agents. This left Lucy to only an endless cycle of training and paperwork, after a year, burnt out and disilussioned she left, saying if they ever needed for her for 'real' work but until then just leave her alone. She moved into obsucrity for a while, one day meeting up with her old friend Alexia to do some shady deal involving a gun shipment into Sinners Rest's docks. Alexia tried to screw her over for the money, attempting to kill her in the process, Lucy defending herself nearly ended Alexia's life, the two turning from uneasy friends to sworn enemies. Lucy scored the first strike, through her friends at the SLBI and some other goverment agencies she made sure that when she burnt down Alexia's nightclub and import/export businesses that all the dodgy paperwork and insurance policies were found out. Alexia lost nearly one million because of Lucy.

Three years later she's back in town and running the bar, the money's good but the excitement and lack of power eats aways at her until she hatches a devious plan to get her old job back. With help from some old faces she created the Blue Dawn group and used them to twist things to her advantage, finally stepping back into her role of Captain of Street Division, DEPD. Corrupted more than ever and held over a barrel by the even more corrupt Mayor of the city Lucy looks set to let chaos reign supreme all in the name of making her own life that little bit more comfortable and profitable. Known mostly as a socially arkward, angry bitch she has a soft side, though that rarely sees the light of day anymore. Dangerous and intelligent but quick to act on impulses makes her an unstable and difficult person to deal with.

June 26, 2010 at 9:37 pm
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June 28, 2010 at 10:21 am
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February 14, 2013 at 8:46 pm
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February 14, 2013 at 11:43 pm
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February 15, 2013 at 5:43 am
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February 15, 2013 at 6:21 am
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