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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by msraven-writer 11 years, 7 months ago.
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msraven-writersaidthe amount of scripts one wears can make lag not only for you but for others . Mostly the memory they use,, so there is steps we can make to lower our script use.. 1 of them is making sure all resize scripts are deleted after you adjust however always make a copy of the items before so says you need to adjust in future you can just wear a copy.. step 2. most viewers now a days have a built in ao.Using this built in ao works with Zhao's nc if your using oracul it is simply steps to make make the nc required I could pass a copy so you can edit.. for firestorm exodus .. rezz a copy of your ao open and copy to inventory delete the scripts from the new folder.. copy all animations and notecard to #phoenix or #firestorm folder then click in viewer the arrow button next to the Ao button found at the lower right a new window will popup and drag your notecard it should be called default or with vista it would be named after vista ao or the name of the ao you baught drag that into the area with the check mark next to it and then click default and the check mark this would reload your card in this window you can chose to randomize stands or cycle or both and adjust times to do these.. you are set click to close the small window when you want to turn on and off your ado you can just click the button says APO in singularity you only need to rezz your AO open copy to inventory and then click singularity animation over rider and drag the notecard from the folder to the top of the new window click reload click enable below the area you drop your nc and again can chose to randomize and i recamend clicking show ao in tool bard and once you set cycle time then close window.. now when you turn off or on ao be aware it might take a few minutes for the viewer to acknowledge .. the scripts in folder after copying is not needed so can be deleted take off privates sorry men bg8ut the penises or vaginas are very high scripted can always wear them when you need them Lolas has 23 scripts and while nice you can do few things make copies 1 being without a top after you adjusted you can remove the scripts there is 3 parts to lolas to be sute to click edit linked parts.. always make a copy before you remove scripts I would even rezz and rename the no scripted ones to say (no scripts) another option is in mp there is a script that tunes up the scripts and can lower their memory usage and script size...thought according to my reading the script count only lowers by 2 scripts.. if your only wearing weapons as props perhaps find some that aren't combat scripted don't wear objects that do bling effects they make as much lag as re size scripts.. when you can check your script count easily i can offer something that can help you know how many scripts your wearing and the memory use.. you want memory under 4.0 mbs total infact the lower the better...max script 50 is ideal but again lower is better.. I do hope this helps also if your making clothing or texturing things it is ideal to keep texture sized to 512x512 or smaller then it is less texture lag.. the size isn't really what makes a texture good I can use a 512x512 on any large prim and see no difference than the 1024x1024 .. this is why labs do not allow terrain textures on sims to be bigger than 512x512 for the land.. |
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