Looking for tenants!

Home Forums General Discussion Looking for tenants!

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of admin admin 12 years, 3 months ago.

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LOOKING FOR: (choose one or any of the following that best suits you)

Trailers, suburban homes, penthouses, grunge project housing, middle income apartments. Starting at 375 ((Lindens)) a week.

I am a: (choose one or any of the following that best suits you)

Other (explain): Landlord

I am ___ years old (state age)


Interested in living with: (choose one or any of the following that best suits you)

Doesn't Matter
Other (explain): Don't care who rents from me!

I like to: (choose one or any of the following that best suits you)

Other (explain): Don't care who rents from me!

I Dislike: (choose one or any of the following that best suits you)

Other (explain): Vandals and arsonists - Just don't destroy the place!

Please contact me at: (provide contact info you feel comfortable giving. We recommend NOT giving out you current address for safety reasons):

Any of the rentals listed on my sites:

OOC INFO - All info is required unless otherwise noted. No info here can be used for RP unless permission from player is gained.


Character Name: Landlord

Are you willing to help pay any rental costs. If yes, please try to state how much per week you are willing to contribute: No, but I am very understanding of real life circumstances if you need extra time to pay rent!

IC Goals To provide a fun environment for people to meet, live and mingle!

Timezone (optional): SLT

Times (SLT) usually online (just guesstimate): mornings and late evenings SLT. Not weekends.

Anything else you'd like to let possible roommate know about your character or OOC self for ooc purposes.(This info can NOT be used ICly):
For any land or home rental contact me or Esperanza Hernandoz.

For street shop rental info, you can contact Faerie Lindley

November 26, 2012 at 11:47 pm
Viewing 1 post (of 1 total)

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