Local chat logging

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of jaylah sass jaylah sass 11 years, 8 months ago.

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Profile photo of Samantha Cooper



So lately there has been a lot of talk about people complaining about power gamers but not being able to show proof. There are two issues involved in this problem:Failure to log local chat and intimidation factor. Starting with the latter, some people are not power gaming per se, but have very dominating personalities and can make some people feel stupid or like they have no grounds to make an official complaint. The other problem is the lack of evidence due to not logging local chat. My personal view is the we should all be logging our local chat to keep record so that we can go back and see it.
Not only for this issue, but also for another purpose. Many business owners rp that they have security cameras on their premises. That is great from a cop standpoint because we can subpena the footage. To do this though, we need you to be able to give us a note card with your local chat log. I personally love this, because it gets more people involved in the rp when the cop goes to the judge for a warrant, then the business owner to obtain the footage.

Long post short, everyone should turn on local chat logging. Keep in mind you have to turn it on for each account.

June 23, 2013 at 11:16 am
Profile photo of Ming Yheng

ming yheng


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jaylah sass


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