little serpent Lyss

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Lyssandra Ritter lyssandra69 resident 10 years, 11 months ago.

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lyssandra69 resident


/me sitting with her back to the wall sips her coffee, her eyes narrowing as she looks at the DE-daily reporter, sometimes her gaze flickers to other people, always alerted on the slighest change of their behaviour. Finally she fixes the reporter again.
"Introduce me? Do you have sodding fishballs in your ugly head?"
"Well we can talk, but no story, no names, I warn you buddy", her free hand strokes over the brass knuckle taped under the sole of her high heel while she thinks where to start...
"I came her to find a ... connection, a friend so to call it... but all hints were dead trails, not even those Chinese tea fetishists got a clue... and well, still I am here. Guess I like it, hey this city is like a giant load of bullshit full of possibilies, quite all right for a girl with visions.. and it is exciting. I yet had a little fight, met a mad doctor, witnessed some Chinese bitch being fisted, perhaps have a job and even conducted some other buisness... what? No you may not ask ´Sheldon´, I won´t tell!"
She sips her coffee again listening to the person on the other end of the table...
"Problems? No, oh I love muggers of sorts, they keep up the spirits and keep me busy haha, no, my major problems are that I have not enough cash for a believable new ID, I err... lost my old on the way here. The shades may be dumbasses but sooner or later they will ask. Further as a careful bitch I still have no place to sleep with my bag, outside is too cold and the sewers are too smelly... hey, don´t look like that, I know where to find a shower you sodding hobbit."
Finally she empties her coffee...
"My line of work? Perhaps I may soon have a job as martial arts instructor...what else I do? Well .... how shall I put this, imagine you are really pissed about some person, I mean really pissed and wished somebody would kick the persons fat ass... and I would get to know... perhaps some days later I would tell you that the persons ass got kicked, and you would pay me, just for, err... letting you know", she smiles innocently but a second later the smiles dies on her lips, her voice now only a hiss,
"what is that under the table? Have you been recording what we talked?"
A telescope baton flashes in her hand and opens with an ugly noise as she rises like a snake but the sucker is yet running...
"Stop, come back! Wait you... oh... sodding high heels, why don´t I wear sneakers..."
With a face red of anger she watches the reporter disappear around the next corner, leaving some dollars she turns to leave as quick as possible... wait honey, people always meet twice in life...

The subject some clever reporter fooled is about 5,8 tall, platinum blonde long hair, attractive and also seductive, wears completely black clothes (rather revealing), high heels that make it veeeery difficult to run (luckily for the reporter) and seems to be armed and dangerous. Was last seen near the Chinese quarter. 😉

March 24, 2014 at 4:42 am
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