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Dear Family,

Just dropping a line to let you know I arrived in Dead End safely. I did what dad said and put in for a transfer at DEPD, I have yet to hear anything from them, that was two days ago. This city does not seem so bad. The other night I walked an out of jurisdiction beat in my Frogtown PD uniform just to see what life would be like in my new home.

I began my evening grabbing a slice at the local pizza joint there. The name of the place was called Pizza Slut, which is ironic because whatever I ate was not real pizza and there were definitely a lack of sluts to observe. After eating what tasted like a half baked frozen pizza I decided to walk off my empty calories by having a stroll through the city. This place is big! This is like 100 Frogtowns put together. I walked the entire city that evening and checked out the local points of interest.

The hospital was my first stop. I figured if I am risking my life being an officer, knowing where I'll be treated is a priority concern. I've seen better clinics compared to this place. Dirty floors, unhelpful staff and an asylum in the basement. You can be sure I'll be head to toe in kevlar just to avoid that area. I then made my way to the red light district and found myself being approached by a naked pervert. Had I not been out of my jurisdiction, I would have arrested him on the spot. That said, the obvious prostitutes seemed polite and rather unitimidated. Last I checked prostitution was illegal in Dead End. It could be worth investigating their relaxed attitude once I'm on the department. They had a bayside area as well. A nice veiw and a few seedy strip clubs adorn the area. I gather Dead End's main import and export is sex. Ha ha, maybe I'll see about getting a job in vice squad.

For such a busy city, I thought I would be observing more crime. Wearing my Frogtown PD uniform may have discouraged some acts, however, like Dad always said, a good cop knows a criminal when he sees one, and I just did not see many worth noting. The closest I came to crime was a barfight outside a place called Lulus. I did not think it was my place to get involved but I wrote up a report and filed it with Frogtown PD to have DEPD investigate. Other than that, the dezinens of Dead End were pretty nice and sociable, nothing like what the folks in the FTPD claim. Perhaps it was just my welcome call into Dead End, or maybe it was just an off day, whatever the case may be, I'm here now and Im looking for a place to stay. Theres a few bayside apartments and a few places in the redlight district. Im currently living out of my car parked outside an abandon garage; but don't worry, I have cash and will find a place soon once I land my police transfer.

I'll talk to you all soon once I'm fully settled.



May 29, 2012 at 6:46 pm
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