Kyrsten Knight

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Back Story: Kyrsten is a young girl with emotional problems dating back to the time her father left her mother. They had a very unhealthy marriage do to the fact that Kyrsten's mothers unfaithfulness in the relationship. After her father left Kyrsten never got to see him and when she did is it was only for minutes at a time because he was so busy working or taken care of his new wife who was now pregnant with their first child. As Krysten got older she started to really take notice in her mother's activities with her social life and the men she would bring around. She notice how her mother got attention by every man she looked at. Kyrsten wanted just as much attention from men that her mother got because she never truly felt love before she was will to do what ever it took to get it. One day while Kyrsten was working a young man came in to her store and right away she notice how handsome he was. His name was Jacob and he was tall dark and handsome with a great smile and beautiful eyes everything a girl her age wanted. She walked over to him and ask if there was anything he needed help with and started flirtatiously batting her eye lashes. From that point on they would meet up and hang out together, he gave her the attention she had waited for so long. But little did she know he had another side to him a side that would change her forever a dark and evil side. One night when she met him at the park she asked where they were going and his reply was "its a surprise". They walked up to a big building that looked like a warehouse and Kyrsten started to get worried but not enough to run away. She pulled back a bit and asked where they were and what they were doing there. He told her he has friends inside who wanted to meet her and that if she wanted to make him happy and make them like her she would do what they asked. They walked inside and she seen 3 guys sitting around a table, the room was kind of dark but she could see there was a coucehs off to the side and a bed in the back of the room. By this point Kyrsten is terrified and wanting to run but she wanted to make him happy so she went with him and sat down. The men were looking at her with smiles on there faces and lust in there eyes. One man said Hello and the others nodded. Kyrsten shyly said Hello back and put her head down when one of the men said let start the game. All 4 men started playing cards laughing drinking while Krysten watched not knowing what to do. After awhile she asked can I get you fellas anything and they said "not now but here go get yourself something" and winked. When Kyrsten left she felt relieved but excited at the same time because she was getting the attention she wanted and liked it. But what happen next changed her forever. When she got back to the room she has seen the man have moved from the table to the couches drinking and laughing. But she notice Jacob wasn't there and got scared but went over anyway and sat down with them. They started asking her questions and even tho she was uncomfortable she answered. Then one man asked "do you dance?". He was not as handsome has Jacob but he was nice looking built and looked like he has money. Kyrsten nodded her head a smiled. After that they all yelled and cheered for her to start dancing. She slowly stood up and turned the radio on and started moving her hips in a circular motion and waving her hands in the air. The men cheered and started throwing money at her then demanding her to start taken closes off. Seeing all the money on the floor and the attention she was getting from them she did what they asked. After about a half hour Jacob returned and seen her dancing half naked and sitting on one of the guys laps. "i told you she is a people pleaser" he said walking over to the group. Kyrsten jumped up and told him she was so sorry but he just laughed and told her it was fine to get dressed he was taken her home. After they left she notice they weren't going the way they should so she asked where he was taken her now and he turned to her and said "They has there fun now it's my turn". Kyrsten was so over excited about the way she was getting the attention she was happy to go with him and when they reached his house she started kissing long and hard running hands all over him telling him she wanted him to take her upstairs. In the back of her head she wasn't sure if this is what she wanted but she knew it was what he wanted so she did it anyway. After the first couple of times they were together she noticed he didn't want her around unless it was to have sex with him or a friend. But she didn't care she wanted attention. One day she came to his house he told her he was moving away and she was so upset she asked to go with him and he said no. "Please she said I'll do anything don't leave me here" Finally he gave in and took her with him they moved to DE but after a month Jacob was gone and Kyrstens life changed forever....

June 28, 2012 at 4:58 pm
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