Jillian’s Plan

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Profile photo of jill



Have been in Deadend for twenty-four hours now. Thus far, I've managed to find a sleazy apartment and a nightspot where some of the Right Kind of People hang out.

Now, I'll need to find a better place to live; the hot and cold running cockroaches just do NOT appeal, but this place is reasonably private and will probably do nicely for anything really Tacky I need to do. I'll spend a few days setting up a Playroom, scavenging egg-crates to use as sound-proofing and laying in the usual supply of sex toys, bondage equipment and industrial grade condoms.

Picked up the last of the paperwork for my "get out of Dodge" identity today. I don't plan on getting caught behaving badly, but if that happens I plan on being able to walk away and try again somewhere else. DE looks to be ideal for what I want to do, but if something goes sideways I really don't plan on checking out the accommodations in the local jail.

A couple of things on my to-do list;

I want to be able to locate people who will be sufficiently motivated to do what I want, no matter how degrading, for cash. Don't get me wrong; I'm not going to screw them on the payment. If they're desperate enough to do as I ask, I'll pay full price ๐Ÿ™‚ Still, I need to be able to locate people - some of whom need to be non-criminal "vanilla" folks - who would be motivated to violate their traditional morality because they need the cash.

Maybe people who have a good reason to need a lot of cash? A sick relative? Medical bills might be a good motivator, and someone who was willing to go that far for someone they cared for would be more controllable than someone who wanted the cash for drugs.

Maybe someone trying to save the family home?

Anyway, I need to find a lawyer first. Someone who will keep his (or her) mouth shut and has no qualms helping me locate Normal People in dire financial straits. Someone who has contacts in the underbelly of this City, and who will do most anything for the right amount of cash.

Second, I need to deal with keeping my head clear. For some people that might mean drugs or booze and having their Dealer on Speed Dial. For me, its sex. I need someone who can provide it as-needed with no strings attached and with absolute discretion. Otherwise when my horny-meter pegs right, i'll get sloppy and I cannot abide myself when I'm sloppy.

Maybe I can get lucky and find a hot, kinky lawyer who doesn't tell tales - but it might be better for my bedwarmer not to know everything about my other activities.

Hmmm, maybe it'd be better if he (or she) was the kind of person who was ashamed to be providing such services, but was motivated to because they needed to for some "noble" purpose of their own. Such a person would have a good reason to be discreet as being a paid sex-partner would not play very well in Vanilla company, and when I need to end it, they'll probably be to relieved to pose problems afterwards. It might be interesting to do it that way, especially if my Companion is seriously having to violate their traditional morality in the process. That would fall in line with what I'm here to do quite nicely....

Lastly for now, I need to locate someone who can teach me more about sexual kink and Dominating a partner. If I'm going to do this, i want to do it right - and the learning process will probably be fun.

Going to take a bath and get some sleep. Tomorrow I have to find a lawyer.

April 8, 2012 at 6:18 pm
Profile photo of jill



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April 10, 2012 at 3:02 am
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April 16, 2012 at 10:25 pm
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April 26, 2012 at 8:19 pm
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