Jaded Dylasari

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Profile photo of jaded-dylasari



This life isn't easy for many til you meet some of the Dylasari girls. Jaded as being the eldest is one to be more aware of other's actions.

Name: Jaded Dylasari
Age: 24
Eyes: Soft Green
Hair: Originally Raven black/Dyed Auburn
Height: 5'7
Weight: 119 lbs.
DE Job: Pizza Slut Employee
Hobbies: Drawing/Picking Melangell
Good Traits: Drawing and helping her sisters our.
Bad Traits: Tends to get carried away with drawing. Even being scatterbrain at times.
Quote : "Love as it turns my heart Jaded."

Description of Jaded's personality.
She is quirky cheerful when she is around those she has known all her life. Especially
smiles more if you compliment things she accomplished. She is the idealist and cautioner of worries for
this family. Yes she is known as a worry wort of life always aware. Time to time she tends
to be looking over her shoulder or if not her sisters's as well. Her life is a bit elaborate so she will wear expensive clothing which she can afford on her own. Won't let men close to her cause of her past. She will always make excuses as to evade anyone getting close to her. She tends to get carried away drawing and will absent-minded of those around her.


Her parents were very strict on her education always making her responsible. She got pregnant
at sixteen with her first love but had a miscarriage. Her mother blamed her for the death of the baby.
In truth it was due to her mother's harshiness of love. Her father was a paranoid schizophrenic which made matters harder for her to cope with. Always making sure she did things exactly 'how they should be' as he imprinted in her mind everything should be closed.
Even thought people was talking about her father. Being dellusional thinking their was shadows.
Dark figures coming to take him away. So because of all this it was hard for Jaded to make friends.
It is hard for her to talk so she has to think of what to say sometimes. People mistake her words
for being offensive. When she got in her teens. She was constantly arguing with her father up
til the day he died. She learned never to let things go.

She was diagnosed as having paranoia and OCD when she was 12. From bad experience
she watched a best friend being constantly raped from her best friend's older brother.
This occurred while she was spending the night at her friend Lisa's house. Lisa's mom as records
from police files said she worked as a waitress all day long. Which left young Lisa at home alone
with the older brother. Jaded's father also felt sorry for Lisa so he would let her stay at their home.
Lisa was always with Jaded as inseparable friends. Just one night Lisa's mom had to work overnight and
asked Jaded's father if it was alright if Jaded stayed the night with Lisa. Since the brother had gotten into an argument with Lisa's mom. Lisa's brother broke into the home drunk and was carrying a gun. He was upset that little Lisa had told her mother the bad things her big brother did to her.

Scared for Jaded and her. Lisa was older then Jaded by 3 years which Jaded was 9 at the time. She
threw Jaded into a closet then locked it. Whispering to her in soft words. "Do whatever you do...
Even if you hear anything. Don't come out... Please for your life's sake, Jaded..." After that night
Little Lisa was killed. Jaded has never been the same after that.


Here in the bright lights and bad smells of Dead End City. Brings a bad luck of danger for the Dylasari Family. Melangell being a middle child of her siblings. Left her home because she couldn't take her mother's obessive yelling. After Jaded getting back from her grandmother's estate came to find out her sister's abscence disturbing. Followed Melangell which lead her to hell's city gate. Pondering what the hell
did Melangell want to come here. Begged her sister to come back but her sister refused. Her sister
wouldn't even budge from the spot she stood. Deciding for the best of her sister's desire to not go
home. Jaded used the last bit of money she had to get them an apartment. So from there the story


That debate is still open for later on as the sisters lives open into the area of Dead End.

May 22, 2012 at 9:01 pm
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May 22, 2012 at 10:38 pm
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