Issa Heckroth

Home Forums Introductions Issa Heckroth

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A taxi pulls up slowly to a ratty, abandoned warehouse somewhere in Dead Falls. "God-damn, look at this place, Its f£%king huge! Guess the old man had some money stashed away somewhere, stingy bastard just never showed me any of it........ Whats the fare buddy?"

Handing the cab driver a crumpled twenty dollar bill, Issa slowly becomes more aware of her surroundings. The glitz the previous moment slowly wearing off. "Geez, this place is a real dive. Still, probably beats my old digs in Chicago". The thought of her old hometown sparking memories of the last night she had spent in town. That was some good stuff those guys were selling. And leaving one of them in a room tied up with their pants round their ankles and missing $500 of quality merchandise had been the icing on the cake.

The news of her dads death had come at a perfect time, she didnt really care about her fathers passing, as she had never even met the man, and the fact she could inherit anything at all was something she had never even dreamed possible. Besides, she had pissed a few too many people off recently and had been starting to feel the heat. A new start in a new town could not have come at a better time. She smiles wickedly to herself as she walks towards her new home. "Yuup, I'm sure I'm going to have a lot of fun in this city."

I'm keeping this sketchy for now, but a few key "traits"......

*24 years old
*Grew up in Chicago
*From the heavy rock/biker scene
*Consummate scam artist with a "silver tounge", but loyal to her friends
*Playful and chaotic by nature, but with a switchblade temperament
*Drug consumer and pusher
*Estranged from parents from birth
*Did not receive a conventional education, but well-read and street-smart
*Fearful of water, due to being thrown into the Chicago River while spiked with LSD
*A Weakness for partying too hard
*A weakness for psychedelic drugs
*A Weakness for "the big scam"
*A weakness for guys with big knives ;P

on that note, night night. Issa has too find out if theres something to sleep on for the night inside 😉

April 24, 2012 at 11:31 pm
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