introducing… Tsukiko!

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hiya all - ive posted here b4 but haven't formally introduced my DE character. well here she is in a nutshell cut n pasted from my Profile. also do (( poke me in the eye )) if my rp stinks 😆

Character Name
Tsukiku (pronounced "Su-ki-ko")

Tsukiko means Moon Child. Her friends call her "Suki".
Tsukiko was born to a poor family.  she would do all kinds of bad things to help her family out when she was younger, not being old enough to get a job.
when Tsukiko was 15 she met and fell in love with a much older man named Jerya otherwise know as the "pervy sage".  when she was 16 she found out she was with child.  her father killed her love and not too long later tried to have her killed as well.  Tsukiko managed to get away but her baby girl Arisa died during childbirth.
Tsukiko started stealing to get by and hung out with all the wrong people. she made a name for herself after her parents were killed in a drive-by.  she killed the people who did it and earned the name "loveless", one without love.  there was no one left to love.
hoping to find a better life outside the grime and filth that she lived in for most of her years, Tsukiko left DeadEnd.  however, she often found herself living on the streets or sheltered with men much older than her years who often used and abused her.  but she was not looking for love just an easy "meal ticket".
not content with her life she longed for her lost friends, the people who knew her most.  so she returned to DeadEnd a year later aged 19 hoping to find a place called home once agian. 

Medical History:
Lost virginity at a young age
Pregnant at 16
Baby died during childbirth ~ alone in an abondoned building in DE
Often found slumped intoxicated from liquor in the street

Criminal History:
Started theiving at a young age ~ 90% of what she owns has been stolen
Prostitution ~ started prostituting afer she lost her baby

Drug use: cocaine, weed
Murdered 2 gang members who she thought were responsibile for her parents' death.


Poor family.  
An only child.
Father tried to have daughter killed for disobeying him.   She ran away soon after losing her baby
Parents later killed in drive-by shooting.

February 12, 2012 at 12:36 am
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