Instructors wanted….

Home Forums Municipal Departments Police Instructors wanted….

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Georgia Beorn georgia-beorn 12 years, 1 month ago.

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Profile photo of Georgia Beorn



I'm currently looking for volunteers to step up to the mark and help me out with running inductions and other classes
Ideally you will have been around PD for a lil while, able to follow the course structure (help develop new ones), offering audience participation and ensure the Rookies are all paying attention, answer their questions etc

Key things to remember...
* These classes are being run to offer a good introduction to rookies coming into PD.. the whys, wherefores, whats expected of them, how to do the basics and what they can expect of PD.
* Your own personal corruptions in PD, should be put aside for these classes..
*each class takes approximately 2 hours - as it's a typed class..
*whilst the information contained in the class is as much IC as it is OOC.. but it's delivered in a wholly IC capacity
*work with Dan and myself to actively Identify new recruits - contact them and schedule classes.. either on a group basis - or one to one (dependingon intake)

The idea is that Rookies cant get away so readily with being corrupt.. Rookiedom is intended as a feet finding and getting to know the systems exercise before ranking up to officer allows them to spread their wings further.
The ultimate goal is that all of PD operate on the same base

What We Need;
*one or more (preferrably more) volunteers to conduct inductions on a rostered basis - with Dan and I.. ((rookies will not be considered appropriate for this role - sorry))
*commitment to be able to cover a regular rotation
*professionalism and enthusiasm to help build PD into an well oiled machine and a formidable force!

Register your interest in this thread.. Dan and / or I will contact you to discuss details. Alternatively, feel free to ask questions of me directly (offline messages go to my email)

January 23, 2013 at 2:17 am
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