IN THE CELLS.. who's in and what they need..

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the latest as at 18th Aug 2013
1) Foster Cain is still with us.. He has been charged with a number of offences including Assault on a police officer, attempted kidnapping, sexual assault,and possession of a deadly weapon as well as threatening to kill by decapitation. Should add resisting arrest to the mix too.. He's due for questioning with Officer Toman Armane and his lawyer on Sunday(18th). Cain is not to be bailed at all if we can help it.. Officer Armane will be contacting the DA's office and a Judge to try and have bail denied or set hugely high - we need to keep this nuisance off our streets (for our max of 72 hours ;)) whilst we track down his accomplice. Officer Armane has secured a search warrant for the perps known residence.. so liaise with Toman to ensure successful search and apprehension (we hope)

2) CSU Lead Dr Macaroy has had a prisoner from a non DE prison transferred in for questioning over the Romance Firelite kidnapping - she's still missing but Aedan hopes to find her by importing Asha Linn from her off sim prison cell.. she needs Rping a lil.. and if anyone takes the initiative of actually questioning her and getting her to lead you to her victim before the vic dies ((likely the Vic needs to be NPC'd as she's away for a few days RL as at this time of writing)).. make sure she's well guarded.. she's made attempts to escape her prison, and will in all likelihood try and escape again given half the chance.. If that happens.. and it happens before we have our victim secured.. I will be making some lucky cop scrub latrines for a month..
She's not entered into the system FYI.. as she isnt technically a prisoner of ours.. she'll face a court case at some point in the future in DE

August 18, 2013 at 4:00 am
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