Home Forums General Discussion IMPORTANT REMINDER

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Andi Waters kittyh-resident 8 years, 9 months ago.

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Profile photo of Andi Waters



Lately there have been an abundance of negative, rude and demeaning forum posts. I would first like to remind everyone how this looks to new people, and people just joining the forums. It makes us look unfriendly and unwelcoming. And I know you all don't want to portray that.

I would also like to remind everyone that this is not how we operate. This goes for just general posts, as well as posting suggestions onto peoples proposals. If you cannot offer constructive feedback, do not say anything at all. We are all here to work as a team and we can accomplish much more together than we can separately.

If an Admin ends a discussion and instructs everyone to move forward, there is no need for others to post and drive it in. Move on with the discussion.

IF THERE ARE ISSUES BETWEEN YOU AND ANOTHER PLAYER, PLEASE BRING IT TO STAFF. We are MORE THAN HAPPY to sit down and moderate situations to get everyone on the same page again.

From this point forward, if this behavior continues, you will be warned and then removed from the forum for a period of time. If it continues after that you will be banned from the sim for a week.

This may sound harsh but at this point, we're losing our unity and looking like a bunch of assholes to other people. Let's remember we are all here to have fun, and work together to build stories. We can accomplish this, we've done it before and we'll done it again.

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