Idea I had involving the courts and the asylum…

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Profile photo of Keith7801 Resident

Keith7801 Resident


I've just started coming to DE. I love the roleplayers here. Mela and Lidia have been fun to RP with and Princess gave me a great idea for the asylum, as she's trying to get it going. I had a couple of ideas and others encouraged me to expand upon them. Here it goes...

I'm playing a lurker and an Asylum guard. I'd like to play the consummate pervy rapist (lure people into the asylum or abduct and assault them there and leave them. I'd even write trumped up charts to back myself up, make OOC notes, etc.), but also want to actually play asylum guard (controlling inmates, rescuing doctors and nurses, etc.) Totally play a bastard...

Secondly, my roleplay arc I had, and I started with Lidia, was to attempt to abduct her to the asylum, but she successfully fought back. I want to file a charge with DEPD and have her arrested and go to court/trial, lawyers, whole 9 yards. If convicted, I get to have fun (or whatever) and if I lose, then there is that, as well. Princess encouraged me to get people in the asylum, so that's what I am trying. Let me know if it is a good idea.

August 22, 2015 at 4:59 pm
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