"I need an Admin" An Ode to DE Staff

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If We missed you, We'resorry, we love you anyways, if your not staff anymore, we still loves you.
Written by Rena, Jezz and Jack

"Holding Out For An Admin“ by Rena, Jezz, and Jack in Admiration of the Staff of DE

Where have all the good admins gone
And where are all the mods?
Where's the street-wise Security
To fight the rising calls?
Isn't there a Kyo upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of the Shade we need

I need an admin
I'm holding out for staff’til the end of the night
Lucas’s gotta be strong
Pagan’s gotta be fast
Andi’s gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a mentor
I'm holding out for a mod 'til the morning light
Mela’s has gotta be sure
Dion’s gotta be soon
And Kyo’s gotta be shorter than life

Somewhere after griefers
In my wildest rp’s
Somewhere just beyond the screen
There's someone perching over me
Racing from their scenes and rising from seats
It's gonna take a supermod to sweep me off my feet

Up where the admins meet, meet the staff above
Out where the griefers split the RP.
I would swear that there's admin watching over me
Watching me

Through the noise and the calls and the pain
And the issues and the griefers flood
I can feel Kyo approach
Like the fire in our Dove

I need an admin
I’m holding out for a mentor til’ the end of the night
There’s a new guy upstairs
and the Bots need repairs
and Security is fresh from a fight

I need a admin
I’m holding out for a mod til’ morning light
Need logs to be sure
Read fast to be soon
and they’re more amazing than Life…

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