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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of noltra-mekanic noltra-mekanic 12 years, 10 months ago.

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Profile photo of noltra-mekanic



Age: 29
5'7" // 119lbs // Green Eyes (Wears contacts from time to time) // Black hair (Dyed frequently like mood swings) // Creamy light skin with freckles and moles // One scar behind right ear, another on the top of her left foot, and on upper-right thigh //

Has an obsession with crows, ravens, and blackbirds.
Has a weakness for beautiful eyes, strong personalities, her E-cig, scars (because she knows they've been through some shit), and jazzy drum and bass.

Father: Mercutio Mekanic
Nationality: Italian, Russian, and Japanese
Image: 6'2" // 180lbs // Muscluar, Athletic // Green eyes // Black hair // Creamy light skin // Square facial features with a long slender nose

Mother: Angelina Mekanic
Nationality: Italian
Image: 5'7" // 117lbs // Toned // Brown Eyes // Black hair // Sunkissed skin // Round facial features with high cheek bones and full lips // Freckles

(has a half brother she has never met or known on her father's side - secret to reveal itself in the future)


Secret defense technology provider for 'Anonymous' // Owns a Cannabis Club titled 'RX'


A pretty face is a curse - her mother used to tell her.
Never cross a man who has nothing left to lose - her father 'Xavier' used to preach.

Life has not been picket fences and wonderous bliss. Noltra had to endure many struggles at an age when innocence youth should still be at it's peak. Her father was a dark man, possessed by multiple personality disorder, but strikingly handsome and never seeming to face reality. A mother who was too beautiful, mysterious, and lacking any real sympathy. She would manipulate and take full advantage of her fathers other 'selves'. This led to high debt, verbal and physical violence, and seeming to 'house' local authorities in the Mekanic household.

In her years of maturing like that of a wild beast, born to survive from it's very first steps, she quickly became observant of surroundings and obtaining exceptional listening skills - hence not being much of a 'talker'.
But watch the alcohol intake. She has no problem taking down a few glasses without any real phase, but does 'loosen up' as she advances each glass.

She enjoys other people - watching, listening, reading body languages. Fully aware how man functions and acts because of this 'hobby', she is not naive to those who only wish to do her arm. Most of the time.
In rare occasions anger can get the better part, but she is mostly cool, calm, and focused. Only having one addiction - an E-cig is always occupied with her for sudden nicotine urges. She'll frequent the shops to supply her the special cartridges needed - sometimes choosing between either mint or wintergreen flavors.

Living mostly in debt her young life, she learned to preserve all that she could to be comfortable. By comfortable, she means rich, filthy fucking rich, but quiet about this to all. She lives small but has a tendency to expand her pockets on big item tickets when she feels it necessary (state of the art 'Defense Technology' for 'work')

Criminal History

Sent to Juvenile Detention Centers for three years off and on for Theft charges between the ages of 7 and 10.

Became involved with a man twice her age at 17. A man who had power, and inner demons even her father's other self, Xavier would find intimidating. But that was what turned her on. The excitement of a man in power. The rage that filled her between her legs at night and the rage that conquered in the day. He was a man that taught her the 'reality' of life. If you want something bad enough, you find a way - any way to get it.

This included anything from manipulation to murder...

*Note* Criminal status still continues...

Enter Dead End -

"A dead end was just what the doctor ordered." pondering to herself. Noltra could smell the town for miles; had heard of this place through various encounters along the way - people she had shared common walls with.
There was something about the wind the closer the city crept. A thick vibe that penetrated her senses. It reminded her of many things, but most of all, it reminded her of the moment she was able to be on her own. The feeling of finally taking care of the never ending hunger to be an individual.

She idly walks off the train and into the terminal. Looking about the space was hard based on terrible dim lighting and a thin layer of smog. Fully taking the air through her nostrils, the dirt and grime clinging to inner nasal cavities - she knows that acclimating to this enviornment will take it's toll and time on her.
What will she discover here in this forsaken city? She's not looking for anything in particular. A faint wind brushes against her smooth cheek. Something metallic lands on her pallet. "Blood"...
The adrenaline flushes her body like a fuel leak finally errupting into a giant cloud of hot, red, bursting flames of wrath. Her reflexes on high alert, the body rotating right toward the smell instantly, and thus begins the first steps made into an unknown world that she is soon to find out is anything but normal.

*Note* She's not looking for a lover(s). She is looking for a companion, something like a brother-hood between a cop and his partner.

April 24, 2012 at 5:19 am
Profile photo of monkelinx



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April 24, 2012 at 6:00 am
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April 24, 2012 at 7:15 am
Profile photo of noltra-mekanic



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April 24, 2012 at 4:56 pm
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