Hunter Styles

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Hunter was born in Liberty City to John and Lauren Styles. Both his parents were killed by a drunk driver when he was very young. This left Hunt and his sister orphaned. Leo Styles, his uncle, adopted him and his sister. They moved to Los Santos in San Andreas. Uncle Leo was a detective in homicide for the SAPD for a long time When Hunt was 18, he joined the Marines. Hunt served the Marines for 4 years. On his fourth year, he fell in love with a member of his unit named Sarah. A mission went badly which took the lives of his unit and Sarah's life. Hunt survived however had to undergo a couple reconstructive leg surgeries. Hunt received a medal and an honorable discharge. He feels that it was his fault his entire unit was killed because he fell in love with Sarah. As a result, he suffers from some PTSD and guilt.

Hunt is 26 and is about 6'2 and is good physical condition, despite the leg surgeries he has had. He does have 3 scars on his back from gun shots. Hunt is able to take a lot of punishment and also give it out too. He is slow to anger, though and able to keep a level head in tense situations. Hunt has a lot of common sense, street smarts, and is able to think "outside the box".

Hunt has recently graduated from the police academy and is a police rookie with DEPD.

January 24, 2013 at 10:19 pm
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