History of the Yheng Dynasty part 1 (fictional, only for roleplay purposes)

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ming yheng


There is no data, be it written or spoken, available of the Yheng Dynasty before the year 1052 BC. During the Zhou dynasty (1046–256 BC) the name Yheng is first mentioned in the "Records of the Grand Historian", which a. o. describes a Yheng Dynasty living close to the Yellow River which is said to be cradle of Chinese civilization.

Much of the Chinese culture developed under the forementioned Zhou Dynasty before it eventually broke apart in smaller states. Between eras of of multiple kingdoms and warlordism, Chinese dynasties have ruled parts or all of China; in some eras control stretched as far as Xinjiang and Tibet, as at present. In 221 BC Qin Shi Huang united the various warring kingdoms and created for himself the title of "emperor" (huangdi) of the Qin dynasty, marking the beginning of imperial China.

The Yheng Dynasty is one of the lesser known dynasties in Chinese history although their influence, especially in trading, was important for the development of international relations with foreign traders. A notable fact to mention is that the Yheng family did not allow any of the family members wed people from outside the family which resulted in many incestual relations ( which are not uncommon in China's history ).

There is no known record of any medical complications as a result of the in general accepted incestual family tree of the Yhengs while many records, mostly written on bamboo parchment, mention birth defects on infants in other families. No scientific explanation is yet known which could explain this unusual situation.
Archeological excavations near the Wei Valley in eastern China have resulted in the find of parchments mentioning the shunning of the Yhengs which resulted in the 5 year war, also known as the Xiao War which took place between 258 BC and 253 BC. The 5 year war caused a rift in the Yheng family with one group leaving the lands that belonged to them since ancient times and settling anew near Lop Nor, close to the South Silk Road. The section of the Yheng family which stayed behind left their ancient grounds too and spread amongst the other dynasties in China.

The traditional branch, now living at Lop Nor, isolated itself from any interference from outside. Its civilization was based on agriculture, augmented by hunting and animal husbandry. Two important events of the period were the development of a writing system, as revealed in archaic Chinese inscriptions found on tortoise shells and flat cattle bones (commonly called oracle bones ), and the use of bronze metallurgy. A number of ceremonial bronze vessels with inscriptions date from the Shang period; the workmanship on the bronzes attests to a high level of civilization.
This is also where the first mentioning of Xiaoxiang Yheng ( 254 BC - 227 BC ) takes place, the first 'Wu' ( spirit mediums who have practiced divination, prayer, sacrifice, rainmaking, and healing in Chinese traditions ) and leader of the isolated Yheng tribe. Because of the scarcity of available information many of the activities of the Wu cannot be traced back and considered as scientific proof. Correlating Yheng data with other dynasties during those times results in unproven signs of sacrificing cripples and females, slavery of female Yheng family members and sexual abuse, incest, adultery and torture in order to bring about rain and fertility on the lands.
(to be continued)

October 1, 2016 at 1:28 pm
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