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Profile photo of Christian Volkoff

veridically resident


So I've been playing here for a couple weeks now, but I haven't posted in the forums yet. \o/

Quick info;
Name: Christian Dormyr
Nickname(s): Chris, Chrissy
Gender: Androgynous female
Orientation: A 3 on the Kinsey scale.
Gender Role: Dresses and acts more masculine than feminine most of the time.
Age: 26
Apparent Age: 23
Nationality: Spaniard. From Pamplona, in the Navarre region.
Birthdate: January 23rd
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 190lbs
Blood Type: O-
Eye color: Intense emerald
Hair color: Changes. Currently black tipped pink.
Voice: Deep Castilian accent.
Oddities: Easily able to pass for either gender, or even genderless. Accent sometimes makes it hard to understand her English.
Handedness: Ambidextrous; Preference for right.

Breasts tightly bound gave the appearance of masculinity in the girl. Add to it tall and broad shoulders, and you'd never guess she was a she. Speaking voice holds a deep Castilian accent that made her sound quite exotic, and the Spaniard juxtaposes Spanish words for English frequently in her speech. Charming and flirtatious with either gender, so long as it furthers her own ends.

She went to college in Spain for medical training. Since immigrating she has completed EMT and paramedic training, becoming licensed and certified. She keeps these up to date.

Has a marked innocence about her, and tends to have a white knight complex when it comes to females.

Bastard child of two wealthy politicians. One from Pamplona, one from Burgos.

http://www.rprepository.com/c/chrisd/12147 For further information including a diary. \o/

November 15, 2015 at 5:18 pm
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