Hello from Allie

Home Forums Introductions Hello from Allie

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Keiran-Foxclaw keiran-foxclaw 10 years, 6 months ago.

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Profile photo of Alexis Fairchild

alexis fairchild


Hi there!

I'm Alexia Fairchild, and go by Allie in character. Just joined up after a long hiatus from SL due to that nasty thing called "real life", and have been a member of the SL community since Beta (yes, back when SL was subscription-based at launch and the Linden Exchange and SL Marketplace did not exist). Since there have been so many changes to the code, there is a loss of familiarity with the viewer controls and additions due to inactivity, please bear with me as I get acclimated with things (such as HUDs, AOs, dealing with mesh outfits, getting new outfits that don't look like they were made 11 years ago [which most of my outfits are], and figuring out newer viewer options and layout).

Feel free to roleplay with Allie, especially around the massage parlor, since she's stuck working there due to certain IC circumstances. She may come off as a bit shy and subdued, but that is because she's scared, alone and her mind's in a bad place right now, which can bring some good RP hooks for people. I look forward to RPing with more of you in the future.

August 25, 2014 at 11:56 am
Profile photo of LucasBayne

lucas bayne


Sign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ

August 25, 2014 at 1:25 pm
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