Hello Dead Enders

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Profile photo of xandernihil



Hello all. I would like to officially introduce Xander Nihil to Dead End. Even though Xander did RP a little in Dead End he is now an official member of the Dead End community. Xander is a 19 year old anarchist with a dislike for everything. He’s a runaway who now lives on the streets, stealing what he needs to survive. He has a motorcycle that he took from home, he keeps it well hidden, however. Even though he sees no problem when he steals, he REALLY hates it when people steal from him. The character of Xander allows me to explore my darker side…from the security of my own home.
I look forward to causing some mayhem in Dead End (as Xander is a deviant) and help Xander bring even more chaos and disorder to Dead End. I truly admire you Dead Enders for your creativity and great RP. I’m not the best RPer as I’m still relatively new to it; but I am learning.
Now…let’s RP.

February 28, 2012 at 2:46 am
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