Graphixxx aka GX3

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of gitana Anonymous 12 years, 2 months ago.

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The comic book's main 'front' was for Gitana to have a location to create her raw, gritty Graphic Novel. The Graphic Novel is based on DE. Its illustrations are screen shots I edit for this purpose and then write the content.

GX3 is always hiring.

Clerks-Can dress up or cosplay at work. This is a good excuse to wear a costume for those creative types.

Assist Managers-Take care of inventory. New Orders and shipping orders. Majority of gX3's business is via online sales. Advertising for the upcoming graphic novel.

Like an business, GX3 offers a loyalty program for frequent customers. For more details..see in world.

If any character has an idea for an issue..exploits of them or someone else's char in the city..let me know. We can RP it out and then I will decide if it is something i can recreate.

OOCLY, I am ALWAYS looking for models for these 're-creations'. If you have an idea, or you would like to model..or BOTH...let me know.

I do not necessarily have to use models..this is done for anonymity's sake and if the IC char wishes it so.

I have had several problems with putting out Issue 2 of the first volume set. This idea was given to me by Fae and it will be completed. I would like to put out Issue three a hell of a lot faster and am looking for ideas. Ideas will generate IC business and good roleplay in and around GX3. GX3 also is not above advertising or accepting sponsors. A sponsor can pay for the cost of putting the graphic out in exchange for advertising space.

January 12, 2013 at 4:22 pm
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