Get yer Raid on!

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Profile photo of Georgia Beorn



Ok people, Ive been plotting and scheming just a little.. and have already put the feelers out in the leaders group.. Response has thus far been impressive and people are on board so it's time to let the cat out of the bag here

The Background...
DEPD has fallen into a rut.. a simple ‘always being a part of someone elses role play simply cos we're a municipal department’ and really - thats what we do.. Our role play is 99% reactive and a small part of a play in other peoples games.
We're also mainly pawns in the gangs game plans and really - they have zero fear of us
I for one, and rather tired of blasé attitudes and gobbiness from perps.. its time to strike back

The Concept..
Through some mis-information, snap conclusions and bad(?) judgement calls, I intend to have us, as a collective, shake things up to the point of no longer being "wussy" cops.. but to become the most feared gang in DE.. to make Perps more than fearful of being caught out..
Now.. this does require a degree of corruption for some raids.. So, please let me know if you are preferring to stay on the straight n narrow.. we’ll ensure that all our comms for dodgy ‘cos we’re bored so we made up an excuse to come kick your butt’ kinda raids stay well below your radar…

How is intended to work…
Raids will be based on a number of factors..
1) Legitimate cases that we’re following up on
2) Information given to us by informants that we’re relatively sure will yield some good results
3) Cos we’re bored and want some action
4) Cos we want to put the fear of the force into a gang / gang member or two 
This means that; (in no particular order)
1) No more than 5 cops to a raid party – my preferred is 4, cos its easier to organise from our end.. and a little less confusing in the actual scene – you can use NPC’s but of course they must be properly RP’d and being assembled from the outset, or called in for backup.. NPC’s can be used to execute the actual search part of a warrant for example to keep the PC cops interacting with the gang / business owner / workers
2) RP still has to happen for following all leads.. lets do this, have some fun with it and make sure no-one can cry metagaming! Including obtaining warrants for our legit / case related raids
3) We need to build our street contacts
4) There’s potential for actual undercover work for those of Officer rank and above – depending on the angles we’re pursuing
5) ALL raids will be co-ordinated and given a green light by a senior officer – that’s a minimum of Detective.. Joe Rookie does not have the authority to gather a group of other rookies to go storming into the dark room for example. Joe Rookie feeds his information to his CO (can be a Detective if a Sgt isn’t around) and things roll on from there..
6) Comms are important here… 2 types of raid Im planning on..
a. Impromptu – we see who’s on sim with enough players (2 or more depending on our information / evidence / level of boredom) and hit them just cos they’re there
b. Planned and co-ordinated raids.. bigger stuff that fits in more with sim woven plots
Either way.. we need to give the group lead of that faction / business a heads up.. Impromptu Raids will be a case of an IM in the hour(s) leading up to the raid.. but in all honesty im keener to catch people as red-handed as possible and I have some positive feedback on that concept from the group leads.
Larger raids / raid incorporated into Sim wide plots will need about a weeks notice.. and are more heavily co-ordinated with the likes of Bean and Fae…
7) Oh – and use your noodles.. don’t be so hung up on case loads that you file reports for each and everything relating to these raids.. Legit raids will need reports filing – the less legit ones.. um.. maybe not – unless we turn up something useful. Also – for the record.. let your CO of your raid party either write the report, or delegate that delight. You will be credited for your involvement.
8) On Paper.. (cos these will mostly be reported in the DE Daily) lets always try n look justified.. PD gets enough bad press without us trying too hard.. so raiding parties may not be justified.. but lets think of a good excuse if they really aren’t. on this note.. please remember that we have an IA guy running round DE at the moment, and also note for you all, Marty is our press liaison, so I expect any and all items / statements etc you want releasing to the press to go through her, or me in her absence.. I know Marty has plans for ways to leak information to the press through NPC’s but that structure isn’t in place right now..

Ideas I personally have right now..
1) Raid bars and clubs;
a. for underage drinkers
b. Alleged noise complaints – real or imagined
c. Cos we think they might be a front for a gang
2) Raid businesses;
a. That are known / suspected to be fronts for gang activity
b. Umm.. ok – im having a mental block right now.. but hey – all this typing is exhausting
3) Accost a few repeat offenders on the streets
I do have some initial targets in mind, but want your feedback into whats current in your caseload that would lend itself to legit raiding, and also.. who’s in for something a lil more than legit.. we’ll work on building up some IC relationships in the PD to ensure that it becomes known as to how far you will take your character 

Really am open to suggestions here.. lets stock pile them.. I want this to be an ongoing theme that will ultimately have us operating regular sweeps of DE

Im sure theres more to add as time goes on, but thats all i can think of for now..

February 21, 2014 at 1:14 pm
Profile photo of titiV Resident



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February 21, 2014 at 7:46 pm
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February 21, 2014 at 9:56 pm
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February 21, 2014 at 10:33 pm
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