frustration of a Police officer without back up

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Profile photo of etsu



okay here my problem

i have been cop in DE since about 2 to 3 weeks now. have tried to arrest a few thugs, sometime i lost sometime i won. sometimes i went against goddmodder sometimes not but every time i tried to play it till the end unless it REALLY turned riddiculous.

anyway here what were my problem during the rp.

1) I was/am mostly the ONLY cop present in the city.

2) when not the only one online and i send back up request its rare i get an answer

3) chances are inequal between 1 cop and 1 thug.

--1and 2 are on the way to be resolved as lately more cops came...

but I wonder why i end often alone..... ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

here an exemple :

today i spotted a guy who is on AFB called back up. 2 cops responded which is good ๐Ÿ˜€ we chased him tazzed him controlled him and cuffed him. then the guy ran. i chased him and ended up in the sewer alone.... send back up call .... no response... why? the 2 other cop considered the escape godmodding and decided not to rp the thing anymore... so what do i do ? i used my tazer to control the guy before... which mean in a realistic rp i could not use it anymore... so i am supposed to chase the guy in the sewer ((his own territory)) and fight him alone without cover and just my police stick?
in the end i give up the chase, the rp of an arrestation and what could have followed with a lawyer interrogation and all... ๐Ÿ˜ก

i have had my share of bad rp during arrestation. either a cop who just ran without thinking alone and force me to try saving him. a thug so stubborn i have rp stopping every of his attempt. thing is i did not just give up the rp for this unless it turned so stupid that it had no more use to rp it and it happened only once. but tonight i had to stop. not because the attempt of the other person were so silly it could not be followed. but because half the people in the rp simply stopped it and i was abandonned by my "colleagues"!! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

i have to rp a cop fine i wanted to rp it. i have to chase dangerous people? Fine that the role of a cop and choosed it.
but why do i need to do it alone when others are there? :roll:

we need to remember not every one have the same rp level and expectation, and to respect this. not to simply stop the rp as soon as it does not meet what you expect from it? :roll:

the guy who was accused of god modding his escape i chased quite a few time. and well sorry but when he attacked me he always emoted trying. never did he simply say " i stab her in the gut" no. even his running away was " attempt to bounce the cop and jump from the staircase hoping not to break a leg." no cop in his way even tried to rp catching him or blocking the try . they just called it god modding and left.

-- about the problem number 3 the issue comes as thus
often i have to chase thugs alone. thugs that aren't always alone and thugs that are armed with knives bats clubs molotov cocktails and i dunno what more lethal weapon.

what does it mean? it mean that if the thug want to escape all he has to do is to stab the cop, to hit his head with a club or send him a molotov cocktail for the cop to be stuck on position and found half dead. end of the rp.

on the other hand cops armed with only a stun gun and a police staff will never be able to really pin one guy down. you taze him, the guy recover and try to run again. and hand cuffs does not prevent the thug to run sorry. police staff? you knock the guy out maybe you break his legs... which cop woudl do that just to pin the guy down?
so well the thug always escape if he wants as never will he be incappacited.
and this is against ONE person. imagine you are alone against 2... you only have 1 tazer, 1 shot.... you at best bring one down... you have to battle with the second.... and by the time you control him in the best case the tazed person recovered and comes after you with a knife or what ever else...

so to sum up thugs will always find a way to rp escape. either by injuring the cop so he cant chase, or to simply escape handcuffed or not and run run run till the cop give it up.

what to do to make chances even? well give the cop something that could cripple the suspect.

in the end i am really frustrated today. and mainly by the fact that i ended up alone because the rp turned a bit difficult for the other cops. we could have tracked the guy in the sewer. we could have chased him and maybe managed to arrest him. we were 3 against one handcuffed guy. oh i could have gone alone ... ended up captured raped or whatever... but i did not take the role of cop to only be captured and raped or injured on line of duty.

March 9, 2010 at 6:28 am
Profile photo of albert-ross



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March 9, 2010 at 6:03 pm
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March 10, 2010 at 1:37 am
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March 10, 2010 at 10:30 am
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March 10, 2010 at 6:11 pm
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March 16, 2010 at 7:29 pm
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April 4, 2010 at 12:56 pm
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April 6, 2010 at 2:27 pm
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April 8, 2010 at 4:54 am
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April 9, 2010 at 4:19 pm
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April 9, 2010 at 7:04 pm
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April 13, 2010 at 9:22 am
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