Flyswatter (Delilah)

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Dearest Diary,

I have finally returned to Dead End. I have been gone, looking for legal assistance. I needed a lawyer to settle my inheritance but as I discovered my parents are alive and well in the UK. Syn Rosa is a liar. Upon contacting them, I learned they didn't want to see, hear or even think about me. Apparently, I have done them wrong. This confused and I broke down.

Dr. Coster, a very intelligent woman took me under her care. I had no money to pay her so instead I worked for her. Administration, housecleaning and my last month was filled with training. On the matter of my parents, she suspects trauma. My memory fails me and Syn Rosa's actions have pushed me into believing a false truth. But I've come to terms with that. With loosing my memory that is, not with Syn. I will make a formal report to the DEPD about that pretty soon. She has also been helping me with that guy I keep seeing in my dreams and she suspects it's a figment of my past trying to climb back out. Either I ignore it and focus on the future or I focus on the dreams and discover my past.

With the training I'm getting from Dr. Coster, I plan on setting up my own psychiatrist's office in DE. Plenty of disturbed people that need a helping hand rather than a smashing baton. Mental illnesses are like flies, they buzz and annoy you and that one moment you decide to get them, they are nowhere to be seen. Until that moment you can't stand them around. That's where I fit in, I'll be DE's flyswatter. And with Dr. Coster's help I might get a Dr.'s title as well one day.

September 4, 2012 at 8:40 am
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