Fires on Sim.. DEFD

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Kendall Rae Eiren kendall69-resident 9 years, 5 months ago.

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Profile photo of Kendall Rae Eiren



I would like to take this time to remind everyone that When you want to do a fire it takes planning... and people.. There are certain rules the sim has with them. I know we don't have theses outlined on the webpage, I'll see if I can get it added.. I hate turning away fires. we love this part of our jobs.... but there are several reasons why it must be approved... we need to make sure its the right fire, that its contained and doesn't spread... that it doesn't interrupt other events...

You need..
1) Land/or Business owner permission
If its not your land you must have their ok to start a fire on the land.... specifically if its a sim owned business it does need the admins approval..

2) Admins Permission
You need to clear it with one of the boss peeps, they make sure it is something that goes with story-lines, or if something else is going on.. IF YOU OWN the land.. most the time you don't need one but its still a good thing to have....

3) Fire Chief's Permission (Me)
You also need my approval, as lead of the Fire Department I would need to make sure I got staff that is online to be at the fire. As well as sim approved fire. Trucks and what not..

I know its a bit of a bother and realistically the fires don't' really go on a time schedule and I hate being that person that sounds all sort of bitchy and denies a fire when it wasn't planned and we don't got anyone online.. I LOVE FIRES!! And most the time i'm all for them every chance we get... but it takes a little planning to make sure that we have fire fighters.... so please keep this in mind when you want to role-play a fire....

Thanks Chief Kendall Alsop

September 21, 2015 at 3:47 pm
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