[FACTION] The SR Initiative

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Profile photo of Faerie Lindley



DATE: 03/12/12

PROPOSAL BY: synthetic seerose

GROUP NAME: The SR Initiative


MEMBERS: synthetic seerose, nephraim avedon, empyraea, rowan069

BACKSTORY: The SR Initiative is founded by Dr. Seerose, also known as Syn Rosa. Ever since she has been helping women who were abused, raped and assaulted in Dead End (by founding the Shelter), she has been trying to find a cure for the illnesses that are causing this problem. On the one hand the deviants who are driven by the urge to abuse women. On the other hand the innocents who find themselves drawn to such perverts. Both are considered a disease by Dr. Seerose and she wants to study that behavior closely and treat the illness by means of therapy and medication. Studying various effects of medication will be part of the treatment.

UNIQUE: It will be tied closely to the Shelter roleplay, but also to the asylum. Syn Rosa will no longer only help abused women in DE, she will also try to find a cure for the mental problems so many rapists seem to have (like the epidemic plague of multiple personality disorder we seem to be having). Most roleplay will be carried out in DE. But for those who want to go deeper into this kind of roleplay we have a different location, as a kind of secret asylum, where we can play out scenario's.

EXP:I've been leading The Shelter for quite some time now and I think I do that quite well.

IDEAS:I like to intensify roleplay as well as help improve the quality of roleplay. This group will help doing that by fousing on scenario's, involvng both 'good' and 'bad guys'. We won't distinguish between onnocents or deviants, to us they are all 'victims'.

OTHER:Roleplaying is more than a click on a poseball. Playing with our group will be like going for the best kidnap roleplay in DE. The SR Initiative will take kidnap and rape to the best possible level. Which also means that not just anyone can become a member. Only experienced roleplayers will be invited.

March 12, 2012 at 6:14 pm
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March 13, 2012 at 2:22 pm
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March 20, 2012 at 11:49 am
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